Allyson came the next morning to pick Julianna up from the hospital. "How are you feeling?" she asked.
"Still sluggish, but I'm feeling better than I was", said Julianna. "My headache is almost gone. And I haven't thrown up once today."
The nurse entered the room. "Julianna has been on a liquid diet for the last two days. The doctor has requested that you slowly reintroduce solids over the next day or two, as she feels up to eating. In another couple of days Julianna will be feeling much better."
Allyson smiled in relief. "I'm glad to hear that. When should she go back to school?"
The nurse took out a pen and made a notation on Julianna's chart. "I think you should talk to her psychiatrist about that. She's seeing Dr. Asher, isn't she?"
Allyson nodded. "Yes, she is. She has an appointment at five o'clock today."
She put her pen away, then started to clean up the room. "Then let him decide as to when she should be going back to school."
She turned to Julianna. "Are you ready, Jules? It's time to go home."
Julianna smiled. "I can't wait to get back to my own bed."
"And I'll make you hot oatmeal for lunch. If I put enough water in it, I think it would qualify as a liquid lunch." She turned to the nurse, and smiled as the nurse nodded in agreement.
Julianna grinned. "Yummy. I love hot oatmeal."
Allyson laughed. "I know you do." She helped Julianna get out of the bed and held onto her elbow as Julianna swayed. "I've asked Josie to pick up your homework assignments while you're away from school. She'll bring home your work each day to ensure that you don't get too far behind."
"That's nice of her. Is she okay? Did she see what happened at the party?"
"She saw you talking to Jason, and she said you seemed a little off. She thought he might have said something inappropriate. She lost sight of you when you got up with Jason and headed to the door. Josie thought you were just going out to get a little air."
"Was Josie able to go to the party and not drink?"
Allyson smiled slightly. "I can't tell you that. You know that."
Julianna grinned. "I know. I'll ask Josie when she gets home from school."
Allyson threw her arm over Julianna's shoulder as they walked out the door. "That's between you and Josie. If she wants to tell you, she can do that herself."
Allyson took Julianna to her appointment early. They got there at a quarter to five, and Allyson told Julianna that she would wait for her appointment to be over and she would drive her back to the home. "Thanks", said Julianna. "It's a bit of a distance to walk."
"You'll never have to walk", said Michael as he walked out of his appointment with a patient. "You're my last appointment of the day, and I can drive you home after you see me."
"You don't mind?" asked Allyson, a relieved smile on her face.
"Of course not. I'd like to see where you work. I've heard good things about it. Do you want me to drive Julianna home today?"
"If you don't mind, that would be wonderful. I can return early and supervise the dinner preparation. Would you like to stay for dinner tonight?" she asked with a hopeful expression on her face.
"I'll take a rain check", said Michael, looking disappointed. "Tonight, I think Julianna will have seen enough of me during our appointment. I don't think she needs to see me over the dinner table as well."
"Okay", said Allyson. Her face fell.
"I don't mind", said Julianna as she looked at Allyson. "If you want to come, that is."
"Then thank you", said Michael with a huge smile blooming on his face. "I'd love to come to dinner."
"Great", said Allyson. She blushed, and Julianna thought that she'd have to tell the other girls at the home about the mutual attraction.
"While you're here, I was wondering if we could set up regular appointments for Julianna to see me. I was thinking once a week for the first little while. Does this time work for you?"
Allyson turned to Julianna. "It works for me. Jules, does it work for you?"
"Yes, it does", said Julianna. "Although I don't know how long it will work for me. I'm hoping to get a job, and I might need the time slot to work shifts."
"How about we book appointments in this time slot for the next three months, and then we can reassess your appointment times? If you get a job before the three months are up, we can reschedule then."
"Sounds good to me", said Allyson as she did up her coat and turned to leave. "I'll see you at the home?"
"Expect us around a quarter after six", said Michael with a smile. He led Julianna into his inner office and shut the door behind her. "You look nervous."

The Guardian
ParanormalWhen Julianna was four, she witnessed her mother murdered in a mugging gone wrong, a murder that her guardian angel wasn't able to stop. However, during that encounter, her guardian angel created a connection with her, a connection that meant that...