Chapter Twenty-One

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"Do you think Allyson would have enough food that I would be able to scrounge dinner?" asked Michael.

"I think Allyson would do almost anything to have you stay for dinner", said Julianna with a smile. "She likes you. Besides, Gabriel might be staying for dinner as well."

"Then I'll just tell Gabriel to eat lightly", said Michael with a grin.

Julianna laughed.

Michael parked his car and walked Julianna into the group home. "Look who I brought home", he said.

"Thank God you're okay", said Allyson as she hurried over to Julianna, enfolded Julianna into her arms and gave her a careful hug. "Aggie told us what happened. And then Gabriel told us what happened. It's been an eventful evening."

"Michael and I are hungry. Is there enough food left over for Michael to have some dinner as well?"

"Yes, there is. I was hoping that he would come in the house. We could use his help during our group session this evening, if he has the time to stay." She raised her eyebrows as she looked at him.

"I'd love to stay", said Michael. Allyson gave a sigh of relief.

"So, were your ribs broken?" asked Gabriel.

"Yes, they were", said Julianna. "Two."

"She's supposed to stay off school at least until next Monday", said Michael, "and alternate taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen every two hours, as needed. She knows the rest of her directions."

"Okay", said Allyson. "Whenever you want medication, come and find me."

"Julianna already had some ibuprofen at the hospital. She's due for some acetaminophen in an hour", said Michael.

"You're just looking for a good excuse to avoid self-defence lessons", said Gabriel with a smile. Julianna laughed.

"How did it go when you went to see Vic tonight?" she asked as she eased herself onto a dining chair.

"He said he wasn't responsible, yada yada yada, but we were able to look at his car. There was a dent exactly where you and Aggie said there would be a dent. Also, the person who reported the accident recognized Vic and told us that Vic was the driver. Vic is now in jail waiting for his bail hearing. It should take place tomorrow."

"How did his parents react to you arresting their son?" asked Allyson, coming through with Julianna's and Michael's filled plates. She placed the food in front of them. Aggie brought through cutlery and serviettes, and Josie brought through glasses of water. Michael and Julianna smiled their thanks.

"They were furious with him. I can see where he gets his anger management issues. I imagine that he'll need to answer to his father when he gets out of jail tomorrow."

"Hopefully they're strict with him", said Allyson, a harsh tone to her voice. "It makes me angry. People look down on the residents in this home, but there isn't one person in this home who would be so irresponsible or out of control to do something like drug another person or to attack another person. Both Jason and Vic need to grow up and learn that what they are doing is unacceptable."

"No one in this house would do something like that because everyone in this house has a good idea of how difficult life is. No one here would do anything to bring problems to themselves like that", said Aggie.

"That's true", said Josie. "We've all been through the wringer and come out the other side. We just want a quiet, peaceful life. We don't want any problems. And I don't understand why we're getting problems handed to us."

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