chapter 1

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Right after Time Steve and Elemental Steve got separated from G̶a̶l̶a̶x̶y̶ ̶S̶t̶e̶v̶e̶, they both moved to live with Void Steve and his minion, Memory Steve. Void had all plans set up for the new boys. Before performing them all, he needs to get to know them first. So he invited Time and Elemental to sit down and have a conversation.

Void: "so... Time and Elemental Steve. Correct?"

Time: "uhh... Yeah! That's our names."

Void: "do you remember who created you two?"

Time: "umm... Uuuuhhhhhhh...."

Elemental: "for me, I have no idea who. It felt like we just woke up in a middle of no where."

Time: "yeah. Me too. Maybe... They abandoned us? I don't know."

Void: ("hmm.. Memory was right. He did wiped them clean. I wonder if they're foolish enough to believe me...")

Elemental: "However, I am very confused and curious as to how we got our names. Have we forgot something?"

Void: "oh, no. Maybe you two just had a sudden memory about your names. Though, I don't know who too."

Time: "oh. Well... Maybe one day we'll know."

Void: "yeah.... Maybe..."

Void was having lots of thoughts for the new members. He tried to think of a way to make sure the boys won't found out a thing about their backstory. Time was feeling strange, however.

Elemental: "Time. What's wrong?"

Time: "I... I'm having a heavy feeling... It's coming from my head.."

Void: "maybe you're just tired."

Time: "maybe. But I don't remember what I did last time. I don't know how I got tired all of a sudden..."

Void: "I think you've been... Thinking too much."

Time: "I guess so..?"

Void: "here. I'll get something for you two. Time, what do you need right now?"

Time: "ehh.. I guess some tea would be nice. And I could use some resting."

Void: "alright. And Elemental, what do you need?"

Elemental: "I don't need anything. It's fine. I just wanna make sure Time is okay."

Void: "alright. If you say so. I'm gonna go grab something for Time."

Elemental: "sounds great."

Void left the room where they chat to grab what Time needed. Meanwhile, Elemental is looking after Time.

Elemental: "Time. Are you gonna be okay?"

Time: "as long as I have some rest. I'll be fine. Don't worry. Maybe you should get some rest too, Elemental."

Elemental: "I don't feel exhausted though. I feel.... Hurt."

Time: "hurt?"

Elemental: "yes. I feel pain at my lower body. It is like, someone just gave me a hard punch. I don't remember who or what happened. But it hurts really bad."

Time: "maybe Void Steve can heal you up."

Elemental: "him? We don't even know him very well. How do we know if he has some magic healing or something?"

Time: "I mean, you never know. Maybe he does have."

Elemental: "hmm.. I don't know, Time. I feel like I don't trust this guy. Like, why does he live in a very dark place, under a very dark atmosphere with fire everywhere? The fire doesn't even lit up this world."

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