chapter 13

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Meanwhile, in the duo's room...

Elemental: "..."

Time: "..."

Though, one of them just couldn't stand it.

Time: "GAH!! I can't do this!"

Elemental: "what are you saying you can't?!"

Time: "I just..-! I don't wanna share a room with anyone right now! I just wanna be alone and quiet!"

Elemental: "Well, I don't wanna be in a same room with you either. But if you want some peace and quiet so badly, THEN JUST STAY SILENT!! It's simple!"

Memory peek through the door and sighed.

Memory: ("yup. We definitely can't take them with us if they're in this situation. I need them to get along again. But how...?"


Memory: ("okay. First things first, get Time Steve to forgive me. Right now he seems so aggrieved. Maybe if he forgives me, maybe I can convince him to forgive Elemental Steve! Then they'll be brothers again! Good! Hopefully this doesn't goes wrong.")

Memory took a deep breath and entered the duo's room.

Memory: "Hey, Time Steve?"

Time: ""

Elemental: "what is it, Memory?"

Memory: "Void Steve wants to see you, Time."

Time: "wait what? What did I do now?!"

Memory: "just come with me."

Time: "but I..! I...-!"

Elemental tried to defend Time which he secretly still cares about him.

Elemental: "err.. Memory! Are you sure he wants him? And not me?"

Memory: "no. He needs Time."

Time: "no..! I don't wanna see him! He'll.... He'll hit me again!"

Memory: "Time. Just come, okay?"

Time: "but... I don't.. El, I- err...!-"

Elemental: "you- gah! Just go."

Time decided to go with Memory. They made their way to a secret room. Time Steve grabbed a chair and sat down. Though, Memory prefers to just stand up.

Time: "so. First, you betrayed me. And now, you're still obeying his orders?! You-!"

Memory: "Time. Listen to me, okay? I can explain everything!"

Time: "oh. Now you want to explain?! After you lied to Void that I 'got out' of my room??!-"

Memory: "LISTEN TO ME!!!"

Memory's loud shout echoed through the room. Where no one from the outside can hear.

Time: "alright, then. Tell me. Tell me why you lied, tell me why you kept obeying him, tell me everything!"


Memory: "Time. I am so, SO SORRY that I let you down. Really I am! But you need understand this! I didn't expect for Void Steve to just.. Hit you excruciatingly. Really I didn't. But I just want you to see what he's capable of. If you don't follow his orders, he might hurt you or anyone else."

Time: "woah, woah, woah. Okay, let me stop you right there. So, you lied to Void just for me to see how bad he is if we disobey him?!"

Memory: "err... yeah."

Time: "but.. It was you! It was you the whole time, Memory! You lied to him! Plus, you were the one that let me out in the first place!"

Memory: "only just to calm you down about Elemental's disappearance! I even made you some tea! But I REALLY wasn't expecting Void to just show up immediately."

Time: "it's just.... Why? Why would you do that to me? This doesn't sound reasonable! Is there something you're not telling me?"

Memory: "Time. I already told you everything."

Time: "but... I don't understand! If you want to calm me down, they why did you.... Let me out..?"

Time had a hard time keeping up with some questions that wouldn't make sense to all of Memory's answers to prove him wrong. Though, the answers might not sound reasonable to him, but he's still trying to keep up. He just doesn't know anything.

Time: "is there something you're not telling me, Memory? I just.... I'm so confused!"

Memory: "look. I guess the only thing I could tell you is that..."

Time: "what?"

Memory: "I was born a liar. I guess..."

Time: "Huh????"

Memory: "yeah. I don't know why. But, everyday I felt like lying is a good thing to me. It helps me get away from problems, it helps me solve some problems, it.... It's really something."


Time: "so..... Are you lying right now?"

Memory: "no. I- well.... I don't think I am... I'm just telling you face-to-face right here."

Time: "well... this explains a lot, I guess. Now I understand why you're being a little... Difficult. I guess lying is your talent."

Memory: "phew! I'm glad you understand...- (wait! What?!)"

Time: ("to be honest, I don't understand a thing about you at all, Memory.")

Memory: "though, if I were you, I'd hate me myself too for lying."

Time: "oh. Memory.. I... I don't hate you."

Memory: "but. I lied to Vo- I mean- you. If only I hadn't lied, Void wouldn't have hit you."

Time: "well, I disliked your manners, honestly. That's all I can say. But... Please don't lie ever again.."

Memory: "alright. I won't lie. But... Do you forgive me?"


Time: "I forgive you, Memory. Thanks for being honest to me."

At last, Memory was so relieved and happy.

Time: "so... Where's Void Steve? You said he wanted to see me, right?"

Memory: "oh! Uhhhmm...! Yeah... About that, Time. I... Uhhh.... I lied."


Time: "........What........?"

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