chapter 3

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Void and Memory finally finished with what Void is planning. He examines them to make sure everything is all in pieces.

Memory: "so.... Is everything okay?"

Void: "not yet. I just need one more thing..."

Memory: "what is it?"

Void: "I need to give it a test."

Memory: "wait. You're gonna use it on 'them' now?!"

Void: "no! Not them! I need objects. Bring me something that is not useful."

Memory teleported out to get something while Void waits.

Void: "(hmm... I wonder how the two boys are doing...)"

After that, Memory came back with a book and hands it over to Void.

Memory: "here."

Void: "no! Not my books! I need these!"

Memory: "can you even read all of them?!"

Void: "absolutely yes. Find something else."

Memory teleported again.

Void: "..."

Memory comes back with a black cloak.

Void: "Huh?! Hey! This is my cloak! Why did you gave me this?!"

Memory: "just test the plan already!"

Void: "no! Bring me something else!"

Memory: "oh my stars..!"

Memory repeats the same thing. He kept coming back with items that matters to Void Steve. He does it again, again and again. Until he finally came back with something that Void was really looking for. A chicken.

Memory: "HERE!"

Memory got frustrated and he slammed the chicken to Void Steve.

Void: "perfect!"

Memory: "seems like your belongings matters more than a living creature..."

Void: "yeah, yeah, whatever. Now... Time to test this out!"

Void was about to put the chicken into a machine. He started to become hesitate over the chicken.

Memory: "Well? What are you waiting for? Put the chicken in there!"

Void: "I CAN'T!! It looks too innocent!! You know what? Just go get the book again..."


Meanwhile in Time and Elemental's room..

Time: "Hey, Elemental. I'm curious. How come you have such yellow eyes while my eyes are... Gray?"

Elemental: "I don't know. Maybe I'm special?"

Time: "oh. Stop showing off."

Elemental: "I mean, maybe it's true though!"

Suddenly, Elemental and Time heard an explosion.

Elemental: "woah! What was that?!"

Time: "I don't know! Was that Void?!"

Elemental: "come on! We gotta check on him!"

Time: "wait! Void told us to never leave this room unless he says so!"

Elemental: "but what if something bad happened to them? We gotta help!"

Then Void Steve suddenly showed up. He was entirely covered in dust.

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