chapter 10

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Time stayed completely silent for 3 days. It really worries Elemental.

Elemental: "Time. Please tell me what happened! I can help you!"

Time nodded his head as in "no".

Elemental: "why? Did Void forced you to stay quiet?"

Time averted his eyes.

Elemental: "Time. Don't shut your mouth on me like this. Just tell me! What happened to you?!"


Time: "I.... I...."

Elemental: "what? You what?"

Time had a suspicious feeling that Void might be listening from the outside of their room. He wanted to check but that is a risk of going out. Instead, he decided to lie.

Time: "I... Have a fever. That's all."

Of course, Elemental didn't believe it.

Elemental: "Time. Don't lie to me. Something did happened to you. Just tell me! Whatever it is, if it involves Void, I'm sure he's not here listening or something."

Time: "I'm sorry, Element! But I can't tell you! And... If I say anything, he might.... He might....!"

Elemental: "he might what? Tell me!"

Time: "he might...... Hit. Me."

Elemental was shocked. He got mad.

Elemental: "Did Void hit you?!"

Time: "no, no! He- well... Look. Just please don't do anything!"

Elemental: "I knew it! That evil..."

Time: "El. Please! Don't try to hurt him or anything! Please! I'm begging you! If you do, he'll probably hurt you!"

Elemental: "look at what he has done to you! And you refused to tell me?! What if later on it gets worse?! I can't let that happen! I'll deal with him!"

Time: "Elemental! No! Please! Calm yourself! Don't do this!"

Elemental Steve tried to get out of their room to confront Void Steve after what he had done to Time. Since he didn't know how forceful Void is, Time tried to prevent Elemental from going out.

Time: "El! Don't! You don't know what he's capable of!"

Elemental: "it doesn't matter! He mess with one of us, he mess with both of us!"

Time: "NO!"

Elemental finally got out and looked for Void Steve.

Time: ("no, no, no! He can't be doing this! I should've kept my mouth shut! I need to stop him! But..-")

Time is hesitant to get out. He's too afraid of what Void might do to him. However, he really needs to stop Elemental.

Time: ("no...! I can't... Go out! What if he'll hit me more painful than last time? I... I...!")

Then, Memory came.

Memory: "Time!"

Time: "Memory!"

Memory: "Huh!!? Wait. Where's Elemental Steve?"

Time: "I... I didn't kept my mouth shut! He's going to get himself hurt! Memory, please stop him! I can't go out again!"

Memory: "you... You idiot! Void gave you just one thing to do! And you can't even do it?!"

Time: "Memory! Please! Go look for him and stop him!"

Memory: "uhhhmm... Uhh..!! Alright. Just stay here! I'll.. I'll go after him!"

Memory quickly teleported to look for Elemental. Who knows what will happen if Elemental really did confronts Void on his own. Which made Time really worried and scared. He's too afraid to get out of his room. He waited for a long time. Until Memory came back.

Time: "Memory! Did you found Elemental?!"

Memory: "Time... He's..."

Time: "what? Did something happened to him?! Tell me!"


Memory: "he did got himself into trouble. I teleported to Void's office and... Well... Elemental was already there."

Time: "no! No, no, no!"

Memory: "BUT!"

Time: "what?"

Memory: "it... Seems like Void and Elemental were having a conversation."

Time: "....what....? Well, about what?"

Memory: "I'm not sure. But... They.. Seem to just be... Talking to each other. As much as I could say..."

Time: "well, is he okay?!"

Memory: "yes. He's okay. He's okay...."


Time: "but... Why would they converse all of a sudden? I thought Elemental would be in big trouble for getting out out! But Void just- he just- and Elemental- whaaat??!?"

Memory: "look. Void doesn't want me to bother them for a while. So it'll be best if we just leave them alone. For a while."

Time: "but.. I don't get it! How come Void didn't.. Punish him or hit him?! Elemental got out!! It's... It's not fair!"

Memory: "look. We'll talk later okay? I promise. For now, I need to keep an eye on Void to see what he is doing. Just stay in your room."

Time: but! I have so many questions!"

Memory: "I'll tell you later, okay?"

Memory teleported. Time was left confused, upset and.. Jealous.
Memory teleported to Void's office. He peeked through a small gap at Void's door to see what's going on.

Memory: "what is he... Doing..?"

Void was swirling around Elemental Steve. His eyes were glowing and Void was talking to Elemental.

Void: "now, now. No need to feel sad, my underling."

Elemental: "but.. I don't wanna hurt him. He's my friend..!"

Elemental seems to be crying. Memory was curious and spectates on what's happening.

Void: "Hey, now. Do you think you are nothing without him? You see, your friend was weak. That's how he got easily hurt. If he mess something up, he will get himself hurt and eventually suffer through some painful and emotional feelings."

Elemental: "no... Time is not weak..! But... I don't want him to get hurt"

Void: "now. You choose. Either you obey my orders..."

Void then pulled out a whip out of his sleeve.

Void: "or 'he' gets it."


Memory: ("Master... What are you doing?")


Elemental: "Master... This.. This isn't what I want.."

Void: "ehh.. It's either you or Time Steve, Elemental. Just pick which you think is best."

Elemental didn't want to pick any of those choices. If he picks the first choice, Time will be safe and Elemental has to obey every single word that Void orders him. Which will also cost everything on him. If he picks the second one, either him, or Time, or both gets it. Memory on the other hand, continues to watch what Elemental's choice will be.

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