chapter 7

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Once Elemental was okay, Void invited Time to have a little chat. He took him in a room filled with chains, whips, ropes, neck cuffs, handcuffs and empty prison cells. Once they entered the room, Void closed the door but he didn't lock it. Time was getting some suspicion but he didn't take any actions or say anything.

Void: "have a seat."

The room that they are in only has one chair that Time could find. He grabbed it and sit. Void was walking slowly around Time Steve.

Time: "so... Wait! Tell me! What happened to Elemental?! Why were his arms deformed?! What did you do to him?"

Void: "I tried what I can to help him. I did some examinations and he was just... A little corrupted. To say the least."

Time: "corrupted? How is that possible? I don't think anyone could get corrupted!"

Void: "Well your friend did. I didn't think it was possible either. He just had so much energy in him, that the energy was starting to like... Take over him. That's why his arms looked deformed. Since I learned that he can master almost every elements, I just thought expanding half of his limbs would stop the corruption."

Time: "you expanded his arms?! What does that mean?"

Void: "It means I let the energy take over him. It was the only thing to stop his arms from shaking. Suddenly, his arms were starting to reform into water and lava. Somehow, it stopped the shaking of his arms. I think he's just having some changes."

Time: "him? Changing? But... Why would you just let it be like that?"

Void: "I had no other choice, Time! It was meant to happen, so I just let it happen. Or else, he would've gotten extremely corrupted."

Time: "..."

Void: "deal with it, Time. He'll be fine."

Time Steve got speechless. He couldn't react to Elemental's conditions since it was meant to happen. But it was all just to save him.

Time: "umm.. Why did you bring me here?"

Void: "ah.. The 'prison room'."

Time: "prison what?"

Void: "this is The Prison Room, Time. This is where I keep all the villainous entities here. Though, I may not have any prisoners yet, but I just wanna show you just in case someone's causing trouble."

Time: "but.... Why do you have so many chains?"

Void: "they are for.. Keeping the prisoners from escaping."

Time: "and those whips?"

Void: "just to keep prisoners back from their door cells."

Time: "those ropes?"

Void: "to tie them just to keep them from hurting anyone."

Time: "well... Okay, then."

Time was getting curious everytime Void's answers were getting deeper. He started to sweat and stay quiet.

Void: "so. 'why did I bring you hear' you asked?"

Time: "yes?"

Void: "Well.... I just wanna ask one thing. What were you about to do the moment you opened the door?"

Time: "door??"

Void: "your room's door. You opened it right before I was gonna do it. You looked like you were in a rush. What were you about to do, Time Steve?"

Time: "I.... I..... I was... Looking for.... Memory Steve."

Void: "why?"

Time: "because... I wanted to ask him... If Elemental was okay. But... I got worried because he didn't show up. So.... I went to look for him."

Void: "..."

Time: "look. I know you told me to just stay in my room! But, I can't stay apart from Elemental for too long! I waited long enough... I'm sorry, Void Steve."

Void: "Well... It's okay."

Time: "Huh?"

Void: "I understand how much you're worried for your friend. But don't be sorry. It's not your fault that you 'immediately' went out to look for Memory. I should've worked faster."

Time: "wha- n-no! Void. Don't be sorry! I'm the one who overreacted! I should be sorry."

Void: "Well. I don't wanna waste your time just talking with me. I just wanted some explanations. You can go."

Time: "oh. Really?"

Void: "yes. You can go and be with your friend now. Just... Remember to never leave your room. Okay?"

Time: "o-okay, Void Steve. And thank you."

Time left the Prison Room. Void smirked.

Void: "...poor excuses..."

Meanwhile, Time finally got back to Elemental Steve.

Time: "Element! I'm here! Are you doing okay?"

Elemental: "Time? Where did you go?"

Time: "Void wanted to have a little talk with me alone. But I'm here now."

Elemental: "wait... Alone? Has he done anything to you?"

Time: "no. He hasn't. He only asked for... An explanation. I'm fine. How are your arms?"

Elemental: "I feel very weak, Time.... I never thought I would feel something like this. I feel.... Powerless."

Time: "Hey. It's okay. You're not powerless. You're just having some... Mysterious physical changes. You'll be fine."

Elemental: "I... I don't know, Time.... I feel like I don't trust Void Steve. The way he does experiments on me were... Very painful."

Time: "it was worth to help you, right? I mean, look at you! You're fine! And... You have... A blue arm and a red arm. I don't know. I'm kinda insulting you..."

Elemental: "no kidding."

Time: "anyway. Maybe you should get some rest. You deserve it."

Elemental: "shouldn't you be resting as well? I mean... How long have you been waiting for me?"

Time: "2 days ago I guess. But it doesn't matter. You should rest."

Elemental: "Well... Okay."

Soon, Elemental rested. Time was looking after him as usual. Not long after, Elemental woke up and saw Time Steve fell asleep.

Elemental: "Time. I think it'll be best if you rest instead."

Time: "Huh...? Wha....? But... What about you...?"

Elemental: "I'll be fine. Alright? Just lie down and rest. I'm just gonna stay awake. Don't worry about me."

Time: ".....alright..... Element....."

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