chapter 4

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Memory Steve head out to see Time and Elemental. He has never talked to anyone else besides Void Steve in his life before since he's so careless and doubtful. So, he would just stay completely silent as soon as he comes into Time and Elemental's room. The boys were also silent.

Time & Elemental: "..."

Memory: "..."

Time: "so... You must be 'Memory Steve', right?"

Memory: "yes."

Time: "oh. Well.. Nice to meet you, Mem-"

Memory: "it's nice to see you too, Time Steve and Elemental Steve."

Elemental: "wait. You... Know us already?"

Memory: "Well, I don't truly know much about you two. But my Master knows you and so I'm just guessing your names."

Time: "wait. Void Steve is your Master? As like, the one who created you?"

Memory: "hm. I guess you could say that..."

Elemental: "is he... Our Master too?"

Memory: "...."

Memory Steve wasn't sure how to answer their question since Void Steve wanted the boys to believe in him and trust him. Not actually become their Master.

Memory: "Well.... Maybe you two should ask Void Steve yourselves."

Time: "why?"

Memory: "I mean, you never know. What if you two were created first before me? And that... You two just don't remember it... And... So do I."

Elemental: "Well, he does have a point. But I don't remember last time seeing Memory Steve anywhere or seeing Void Steve anywhere near us except the first time we met. All I can remember is that he just showed up out of no where.."

Memory: ("oh no... They're starting to pick up some memories of Void Steve. Darn it, Master! How should I know when did you met them?! I guess I should stop talking about something related to old memories of theirs") h-hey. You know, have you two ever... Think of getting more power?"

Time: "getting more power? Well, not really. The thought never crossed my mind."

Elemental: "Well. It sounds exciting for me, to be honest. I would love to gain more power!"

Time: "well. It's not really my decision. So I'll just go with Elemental."

Memory: "sounds good. I guess..."

Elemental: "also, one more thing. Do you always wear that spiral mask?"

Memory: "umm.. This mask? Well..."

Time: "Hey! I wear a mask too! Mine looks like a clock, but I like it! Although, I don't remember who made it for me..."

Memory: "maybe it's Void Steve."

Time: "Void made my mask?"

Memory: "yeah! You know, he's good at making accessories! He even made me a mask! And.. Even for you."

Memory took the advantage to tell lies to Time Steve. Time didn't felt any suspicion and actually believed what Memory said.

Time: "woah. I guess Void is very creative and kind."

Memory: "yeah... He is. Okay, look. I have to go. My Master needs me. And don't leave this room. Got it?"

Elemental: "alright."

Memory Steve teleported.

Time: "why can't he just use the door?"

While leaving Void alone to fix his machine, Memory showed up.

Memory: "so... Is it fixed?"

Void: "not yet. Just a little bit more. I just don't know what I'm missing..."


Memory: "are you trying to say you need a test subject to test this machine out?"

Void: "NO! I-"

Void realized what he told Memory about. He was trying to hold the truth.

Void: "yes. I do need a test subject."

Memory: "chickens or objects?"

Void: "none of those."

Memory: "so... If it's not either of those, does that mean... 'them'?"

Void: "I believe that's exactly what I needed."

Memory: "but.. They're new here. We can't just... Test them."

Void: "hold on. Are their lives really concerns you? Are you starting to... Get along with them?"

Memory: "what? No. No! I-I'm not getting along. I just had a small talk with them."

Void: "wait! Has any of them tried to get out of their room?"

Memory: "no, Master. They were behaving. Although, there may be some risk that... One of them might..."

Void: "Well... They better not try and test me."

Memory: Master. You need to keep yourself together. This is your responsibility. You brought them in, you decide what you're gonna do to them. But, don't get too.. Out of hand, you know. Like, they-"

Void: "I know what you're saying, Memory. And I got this under control."

Memory: "Okay. That's good to hear.. (I guess...)"

Void: "anyway. I'm getting anxious about those two. Why don't you go and check to make sure none of them tries to get out. I'll call for you if I need you."

Memory: "yes, Master."

Memory was about to teleport. But he needs to make sure everything's alright for Void.

Memory: "are you sure you don't need my help for your machine?"

Void: "it's fine. Just go."

Then, Memory teleported outside of the boys' room and guard.

Memory: ("okay... This should be easy. None of them will try and get out. Just guard them. But... What should I do if they did? It'll be a terrible idea if I warn Master about it. But it'll be way worse if he founds out by himself. What if he'll.... No. He won't do that! I just gotta make sure they behave properly.")

Memory tries to not get negative about Void's actions towards Time and Elemental. He makes sure the boys won't get out and guard their room door. Meanwhile in Time and Elemental's room, Elemental was having a 'fuzzy' feeling. Time was concerned.

Time: "what's wrong, El?"

Elemental: "I.... I'm fine..."

Time: "are you sure? Because right now, you look scared and mostly.... You're shaking."

Elemental: "yes, Time. I'm fine... I'm just... Having a bad headache.."

Time: "oh dear. You're not fine at all. Umm.. Why don't you rest? Here!"

Time gave Elemental one of his pillows.

Time: "you can use it. Just lie down and put that under your head."

Elemental: "I don't know.. If I should rest though.."

Time: "Hey, come on. Your health is way important right now. You've took care of me a lot. So this time, I'll be the one taking care of you."

Elemental: "are you sure..?"

Time: "yes. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Just get some rest, my friend. I'll watch over you."

Elemental: "Well... Alright.."

Elemental place the pillow down and he lies down as well to get some rest. Time does the exact thing as Elemental did for Time, watching over him. Although, he's a bit worried.

Time: ("I don't get it... Bad headaches don't cause your body to shake... But... Why is he shaking?")

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