chapter 9

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Elemental: "scars? What do you me-"

Elemental take one look at his arms before he could finish his question. He was shocked.

Time: "El. What happened?! How did you get all these scars?!"

Elemental: "I... I don't remember, Time..."

Time: "you don't remember?! How can you not remember how this happened?!"

Elemental: "I don't know! I don't remember how I got these!"

Time: "well, does it hurt?"

Elemental: "physically, yes."

Time: "okay... Hold on. You're starting to bleed. Uhhhmm.."

Time grabbed a piece of cloth and ripped it. He used the ripped cloth to stop the bleeding from Elemental's arms.

Time: "I guess this will work. I mean, it's not enough. But I think it can handle it."

Elemental: "alright.. Just don't try to move it a lot. It's... Very painful."

Time: "okay."


Time: "El. Are you sure you didn't know what happened to you?"

Elemental: "I don't know, Time. All I can remember was, I felt like I just woke in this one, dark room filled with cells, chains and.... Cuffs? I'm not sure. I woke up and then I saw Void Steve  in front of me. He touched me and then I got sent back... Here. I think..."

Time: "wait. You saw Void in the room where you were?"

Elemental: "yes. I believe I got blacked out and was sent to that dark room with chains. And whoever did something to me, must've gone somewhere else. And then Void came to save me."

Time: "Void came to save you from that dark room?"

Elemental: "I guess so."

Time: ("a dark room with cells, chains and... Cuffs. It sounded like... Void's Prison Room? Did Elemental got sent there?")

Elemental: "anyway. I also believe the person who sent me must've... Well.. Did THIS to me. Somehow, I don't remember how it happened..."

Time: "do you remember the person's face or some sort?"

Elemental: "No. I don't remember."

Time: "..."

Elemental: "look. I know it's hard for you to believe, but trust me. I-"

Time: "no, no. It's okay, Elemental. I believe you. I'm just so relieved that you're sa-"

Suddenly, Memory showed up.

Memory: "Time Steve."

Time: "Memory? What are you-"

Memory: "Void needs to see you. Now."

Time: "Huh? Why?"

Memory: "there's a reason. Just come with me."

Time: "well... Okay then.."

Elemental: "WAIT!"

Elemental quickly grabbed Time's hand.

Time: "hm?"

Elemental: "Time. Just... Stay safe, okay?"

Time: "I will, El. Don't worry."

Memory took Time to see Void. Which he decided to walk instead of teleporting. While on their way..

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