chapter 12

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Soon, Void went off doing his job while Memory stays close to the duo's room. Memory still felt regretful after what he has done to Time.

Memory: ("I hate this.. I hate this so much! Ugh! Why did I think erasing both of their memories clean was a good idea?! It'll be way better if they both just stay with 'Galaxy Steve'. I don't want them to get hurt by Void. But... Void wanted this! And all I did was obey him! I could've just left Void for good! I could've just leave Galaxy, Elemental and Time alone! If only their creator would've done his job, none of these ideas would be great....")

Memory sighed.

Memory: ("maybe I should convince Time to forgive me first. I guess that'll be a great thing to do.")

Memory slightly open the duo's door and peek through the small gap. Time and Elemental were facing away from each other after the argument.

Memory: ("Oh.. Right. They had an argument. I bet Time hates me 10 times more now. Should I... Just come in and say something? Or should I just leave them? I don't know... I still don't know what they're capable of.. And I still don't know whether they are capable of forgiving each other. I mean.. They are brothers after all... Too bad none of them knows what it means... Maybe I'll just leave them until they forgive each other...")

Memory teleported to Void.

Void: "so.. How are those noisy boys doing?"

Memory: "they... Their argument stopped, Master. And.. Right now, they don't look happy with each other."

Void: "let me guess, are they doing one of those 'facing-away-from-eachother' drama?"

Memory: "uhh.. Yeah. They are."

Void: "I was right."


Memory: "so... What are you up to now?"

Void: "I need to test their abilities. I need to see whether these guys are strong enough to even handle Galaxy Steve's powers. Or else, something like 'that' might happen."

Memory: "like what?"

Void: "you know.. That 'thing' that happened to Elemental Steve."

Memory: "oh yeah. That. I really don't wanna talk about that again. That was a frightening experience."

Void: "It really was. But imagine if this comes down to Galaxy Steve. What do you think he would do? For me, I personally don't think he'll be able to do something other than, panicking and looking for help. He would've beg me to help him... That weak Steve.."

Memory: "seriously you're still not over with him yet? I thought we've already dealt with him and got what you wanted."

Void: "I know, Memory. It's just-! Ggrhh! I can't get over by the fact that he just...-! Left me! He left me to do all of this! And all he did was going on an adventure, making friends and not doing his job! But now, I've finally got some payback. He won't remember his lovely creations. He will never find them again. Never."

Memory: "uuuhh.. Are you sure? Because, Galaxy Steve did took his creations to lots of places and meet with a lot of people. What if Galaxy meets up with them and they remind him everything?!"

Void: "oh dear. You might be right. What if there are people out there that knows him? All this time I've been planning about keeping Time and Elemental away from finding out! I didn't think about Galaxy Steve! I can't let him find out!"

Memory: "so. What should we do?"

Void: "hmm.. This is a bit hard. We definitely can't find Galaxy Steve. Because you sent him very far away from his old place and I don't know where he is now. Maybe we could go and find these people that knows him!"

Memory: "Well. Okay. But what about Time Steve and Elemental Steve?"

Void: "oh. Right. About them. Uuuhh.. I don't trust them staying at my castle alone. They might try and escape. And I also can't let you watch over them again.."

Memory: "hmmm..."

Void: "Hmmm..."

Both Void and Memory started thinking of how they will go about this. Void doesn't seem to have any brilliant ideas.


Memory: "what if we.... Maybe take them with us?"

Void: "no! That's a terrible idea! We are not letting them go anywhere!"

Memory: "but if we left them, they might escape and try get away!"

Void: "..grr..."

Memory: "plus. If we take them with us, we can keep a close eye on them without worrying about anything."

Void: "but.... What if... They..."

Memory: "it's okay, Master. You can count on me to keep an eye on them. You can trust me, okay? I don't know when we'll start our quest, but I promise you that this will be simple. All we gotta do, is just take them with us, wipe out the memories of people that knows Galaxy Steve, and then we'll be okay."

Void: "But I....- Ggrhh! What do you have to be so right about everything?! I can't even get one thing right!"

Memory: "I know it's frustrating. Just go and rest up, okay? Tomorrow or maybe another day, will be a very long day. Just go and rest."

Void: "Memory. Why do you sound so confident about this?"

Memory: "because.... I'm just very confident that we can do this. Just go and rest and I'll get things ready, okay?"

Void left. Memory was relived.

Memory: "phew! Thank goodness he didn't get any horrible ideas towards anyone! I hate seeing him planning such dreadful thoughts one other people. I don't want him to hurt anyone else..."

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