chapter 5

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Time has been watching over Elemental for about 2 days. That's right. 2 days. He was wondering when was the last time Elemental rested. Turns out, he'd never rest at all. He guess it was all just to keep an eye out for Time. Time was worried. He was hesitate to wake his friend up. He decided to just wait for him to wake up on his own since he had a bad headache and jerking movements of his arms.

Time: ("wow, El. I never thought you could rest for 2 days. I could only rest for more than 3 hours. I wonder what's bothering you...")

Minutes later, Elemental had finally woken up. He was experiencing confusion and more headaches.

Time: "Element! You're awake!"

Elemental: "Time...."

Time: "uhhmm.. Hey, are you okay? How are you feeling?"

Elemental: "I feel.... Worse.. I don't feel so good.."

Elemental rubs his head as it looked like he was in total pain. Time tries to help him.

Time: "umm.. Do you need help?"

Elemental: "no... Just.. Don't worry too much... How long have I been asleep for?"

Time: "err.. 2 days."

Elemental: "what?"

Time: "that's right. 2 days. Like, are you really that tired?"

Elemental: "I... Don't feel tired.. I just feel... Fuzzy. I feel like a sudden vibration in my head... I don't know what it is... It's complicated. I just... Can't remember anything."

Time: "look. Just try not to-"

Suddenly, Elemental's arms were starting to uncontrollably shake.

Time: "El. What's wrong?!"

Elemental: "I... I don't know!"

Time: "why are you shaking so much?"

Elemental: "I don't know!"

Time: "uhh..! Are you the one who's doing this?"

Elemental: "I'm not! I.. I don't know what's happening..!"

Elemental was scared. Time was panicking. He tried his best to help Elemental with his problems.

Time: "uhh.. Look. I'll call Void Steve for help, okay?! You'll.. You'll be okay!"

As Time was about to leave their room..

Elemental: "Time, don't!"

Time: "what?! But, El. You're shaking uncontrollably! You need help!"

Elemental: "Time. You can't just go out like that! Remember what Void said? We can't go out!"

Time: "uhmm.. But, Elemental! You're... You're..!-"

Elemental: "look. It's fine. Nothing is gonna happen to me. Just please don't go out! I'm... I'm worried of what Void might do to you!"

Time: "and I'm worried about you!"

Elemental was completely silent after that.

Time: "Elemental. I know we don't know much about Void Steve. But I can't stand seeing you in this mysterious condition! You need help! It doesn't matter what happens to me! It's you what matters!"

Elemental: "Time.. I know how much you.. Cared for me. But my job is to look after you. You're more important than my condition."

Time: "NO! Shut up! You're way important, my friend! Just... Just please..! Don't scare me into thinking your fine! Even though you're not right now.. So I'm telling you. You need help!"

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