chapter 2

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It has been 4 hours now. Time is still resting. Elemental is still sitting next to his exhausted friend. He was curious as to why Time is sleeping for so long. He decided to not bother and just let him rest.

(Time's point of view in a dream)
"Huh...? What...? How long have I been sleeping for..? Is Elemental still there? Is he also a sleep? Wait. No. He's not. He's actually looking after me. Wait... Am I in a dream sequence again? Hold on! I had something like this before! Maybe I could go back and see what happened before all of this!"
"I..... Why is it... Blurry? Why can't I see it? Why does everything looks so static? It's glitching all over the place. I can only see me and Elemental in this scene. But wait! I see someone. I can't clearly see it because of all these statics and glitches all around. I can only see a bit of blue... And.... Purple... And.... Stars? Are those stars on their... Shirt? What is it?! I can't tell!"

Later, Elemental decided to wake him up. Time flinched.

Elemental: "woah!"

Time: "wha? Wh- huh?!"

Elemental: "Time! It's okay! It's me."

Time: "El... Elemental? Is it really you?"

Elemental: "yes, Time. It's me. Your old friend."

Time: "oh. Well...."

Elemental: "Time. Are you alright? It seems like you had a terrible dream."

Time: "oh... Uh.. It's nothing. Don't worry."

Then Void Steve showed up.

Void: "Hey. What happened? What's wrong?"

Time: "er.. Nothing, Void Steve. It's fine."

Void: "Time. Don't be like that. I'm just trying to make sure everyone is okay. So tell me, what's wrong?"

Time: "really. It's nothing. I'm fine. Don't worry."

Elemental: "hmm.."

Void: "alright. Fine. Do you need anything?"

Time: "no. I don't."

Void: "Element-"

Elemental: "no. I don't need anything."

Void: "Well. Alright. Just.. Call for me if you two need anything.."

Time: "okay."

Void leaves the room again. Time couldn't hold his experience any longer. He decided to tell Elemental Steve about it.

Time: "Element?"

Elemental: "yes, Time?"

Time: "there's something I wanna tell you. While I was resting, something did happened."

Elemental: "and what is it?"

Time: "I.... I had this weird flashback in a dream form. I had this before but.. I don't remember when. But I know I had something like this before!"

Elemental: "go on.."

Time: "and.... The first thing I saw was me and you. We were sitting, talking and... Looking at stars."

Elemental: "okay...?"

Time: "and then.. I saw a random person.. Sitting in- between us."

Elemental: "really? What do they look like?"

Time: "I can't tell. I couldn't see their face. All I could see was blue.. Purple and stars. I don't know. I can't tell!"

Elemental: "Well. That's okay, I guess... Maybe we'll ask Void Steve one day."

Time: "yeah. You're right."

After the conversation, Void was standing at their door listening the whole thing. He learned about Time's dream flashback and who the blue and purple person was. He decided to not take any actions and goes straight back to his plans. He had Memory Steve to help him while they're having a conversation.

Memory: "so. Anything interesting coming from those two?"

Void: "there are. Right after I checked on them, I left their room. But I wasn't actually going away. I was listening to their conversation. Time Steve told Elemental Steve about this 'dream flashback' he had while he was resting."

Memory: "what was the dream flashback about?"

Void: "at first, he saw him and Elemental with a guy who was sitting in between them. They were having a conversation with the guy. However, Time couldn't identify who the person was. The only thing he saw was blue, purple and stars."

Memory: "sounds like that one person who created them and loves sandwiches a lot.."

Void: "I know that. I had a sense of relief that he didn't know who it was. But still, this is bad. Galaxy Steve is nearly been exposed by Time Steve in his dreams. We can't have something like that happen. We can't let them find out who Galaxy is!"

Memory: "so. Any effective ideas?"

Void: "hmm... Well, I've been thinking on keeping them distracted and convince them to believe in me."

Memory: "How about... You told them that you created them? Maybe they'll believe you."

Void: "are you sure that would work? I don't really want them to ACTUALLY believe I am their Master!"

Memory: "Well, it's your choice, Master. Either you tell them or find another way until they found out who Galaxy Steve is."

Void: "uggh... (I knew this would be tough.) okay. Maybe not now. But soon. For now, I need them to get distracted from finding out. And I want you to do it."

Memory: "what?? You want me to distract them? How? Erase their heads completely?"

Void: "no! do the basic stuff! Introduce yourself, get them to know you more, earn their trust."

Memory: "yeah. Like, that's gonna happen."

Void: "Memory. Just do as I say, okay? Remember, I need them on our side. Try your best to get them to feel like home here."

Memory: "fine. I'll try. But I'm not promising anything!"

Void: "sure. Whatever you like."

(hewo! Sorry for the long wait. Too many art stuff I gotta do. But I'm fine.) ☺

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