chapter 16

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While Void performed another experiment on Elemental, Memory was in their room with Time Steve to cheer him up after what happened. He made him tea to feel better. However, he didn't seem to be having any. Instead, Time just stares blankly into his tea.

Time: "..."

Memory: "Hey. Your tea's gonna get cold. You should drink it now."

Time Steve was still staring into his tea.

Time: "I think... For once.. I don't feel like having any tea right now."

Time moved his tea away from him.

Memory: "why? What's wrong? Was it... Too bitter?"

Time: "no, Memory. It's not bitter or anything... I just don't feel like drinking anything right now... I just... Don't feel anything."

Time was in a depress state. He looked down to the ground while holding his head in despair. Memory sat down next to him.

Memory: "Hey. Why not we have a little talk?"

Time: "uhh... I don't think I want to..."

Memory: "come on. Let's talk. Maybe it'll make you feel a little better."

Time: "I don't want to, Memory. Whatever is on my mind that I want to talk, it's just so 'over'. Like, I can't get over it. You wouldn't even understand..."

Memory: "at least I get to know your problems. It doesn't matter how much you talked about it, at least I could try and help out."

Time: "are you sure? Because, you seem pretty.... Sociable now. You were so quiet when I first met you."

Memory: "ehh.. Time is all I need to grow out of this.. Awkwardness that I'm always in."

Time: "plus, how can I be so sure that you're not lying?"

Memory: "Time Steve. I made a promise that I won't ever lie again, didn't I? And, no. I'm not lying right now. I know lying is probably my talent, but... You can trust me now."

Time: "eh.. I don't know... For a person like you who is wearing a spiral mask, black tuxedo and a very spooky voice, I don't think you look trustworthy."

Memory: "I could say the same thing to you, you know? Though, you're way nicer than me. So I guess you could be trustworthy. But, come on. It's only me and you right now. Just tell me what's wrong."

Time averted his eyes to the ground and started making his decision.

Time: "okay. Honestly, I think I'm-"

Suddenly, Void appeared.

Void: "I'm back."

Memory: "Master!"

Time: "Void Steve!!"

Time immediately got up.

Time: "Void Steve, is Elemental alright?! How is he now!? Did you fixed him somehow!?"

Memory: "woah, woah. Time, calm down and let Void explain, alright? Just relax."

Void: "hm.. Elemental is...."

Time: "yeah?"

Void: "he's not doing very well."

Memory: "what?"

Time: "WHAT!?? No!!"

Void: "BUT! I managed to fix him."

Time and Memory was relieved. They both sighed.

Memory: "phew. That's... I guess that's good."

Void: "mmmaybe..."

Memory: "what was wrong with him? How did he got these sudden movements?"

Void: "he was just... Badly corrupted. Which I think it was in a form of him having a seizure. Which is frightening, to be honest."

Time: "so... He was corrupted? How? Why?"

Void: "I'm not sure, Time Steve. I think... Somebody might've.... Messed him up remotely. But I'm not still not sure."

Time: "well, how is he now? Is he still hurt? Is he getting any better?"

Void: "welllll... He's seems to be in a very weak condition. But I can assure you that.. He's fine."

Memory: "Well, that's good to hear."

Time: "c-can I.... Can I see him...? Please...?"


Void: "no. Time. I already told you, didn't I? You. Can't. Leave."

Time: "but-"

Memory: "Time. Just listen to him, okay?"

Time: "but... Elemental... I must...-"

While Memory tries to prevent Time from going anywhere, Void stares at Time while speaking in his mind.

Void: ("my, my. Time doesn't seems to be listening to my demands no matter how many times I warn him to just stay in one place. He's always looking for his friend. The more he gets curious of Elemental's state, the more worry he gets and he'll start to disobey my warnings. He'll even try to escape his room. I don't really trust my own minion to keep him in check.")


Void: "I'm going back on fixing Elemental. Memory, just do what I need you to do. And Time, you behave."

Time: "but-"

Void quickly teleported before Time could even say something.

Memory: "Huh... Strange. I never seen him so.... Rushed like that."

Time: "but... What about Elemental Steve?! I need to see him!"

Memory: "Time, please, calm down!"

Time: "Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down!? Your master just left immediately! I can't wait like this any longer!-"

At last, Time Steve stopped. He was out of breath. Memory took 5 seconds of staying silent while Time Steve tries to calm himself down.

Time: "please, Memory....! I don't wanna lose him..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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