chapter 6

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Memory Steve had a chat with Time Steve just to make up after what he did to Time. Time has been asking a lot of questions about Void and Memory himself. Memory took the chance to tell more lies to Time Steve.

Time: "so... Void is the protector of the whole universe?"

Memory: "yes."

Time: "wow. That must be hard to do that alone.."

Memory: "I know. That's why he created me."

Time: "hm?"

Memory: "he created me to help him. My job is to actually erase memories of threats and any other villains trying to take over the universe."

Time: "wow. You're lucky that you get a job. But.. What about me and Elemental? What are we for?"

Memory: "hmm.. You two would probably help Void too."

Time: "really?"

Memory: "yeah. Maybe he wants you to... Uhh... Watch over time and space. Yeah. Something like that!"

Time: "sounds exciting! I would love to do it right now, you know? But... I don't think I can do anything... Without Elemental Steve.. As long as he's still in pain, I don't think I can do much."

Memory: "you're still not done with him yet? Seriously?"

Time: I know he's getting some treatment, but, what if... What if something bad happens to him?"

Memory: "look. I told you a hundred times. He's fine! Void knows exactly what he's doing. Just trust him."

Time: "I... I don't know... I don't know much about Void Steve and I can't just trust him immediately."

Memory: "wow. You seem pretty attached to Elemental Steve, are you? Maybe you're not use to be apart?"

Time: "I mean maybe... I don't know."

After hours of chatting, Memory decides to leave.

Memory: "look. I gotta go. I need to check on some things. Don't leave this room! Got it?"

Time: "okay. Just please stop telling me like, a thousand times."

Memory teleported. Time was still worried about Elemental Steve.

Time: ("oh man... I hope Elemental's doing alright... I hope nothing bad happens to him.")

Time waited in his room for his best friend to come back. Meanwhile, at Void Steve's lab where he performed an examination on Elemental Steve, Memory was back and things did not go as plan...

Memory: "Master. I'm back. I-"

Void: "this is bad... This is bad!"

Memory: "o-oh my gosh! What happened?!"

Void: "I don't know! But somehow, his arms are starting to... Melt!"

Memory: "what did you do?!"

Void: "I gave him drugs so that he wouldn't feel any pain! I then performed a little test to see what was wrong with him until a few minutes later, his arms are melting!"

Memory: "are you sure you didn't gave him the wrong drugs?!"

Void: "I'm sure, Memory! Something's happening to him! I just...! I don't know what it is!"

Memory: "look. Is he still okay?!"

Void: "It... It seems like he's breathing fine! But.. I can't tell. He's not panicking much. I think he's just unconscious!"

Memory: "Okay...! Okay...! Umm... I'll go get some towels to keep his arms... Uhh.. Together! Just do what you can to stop it, Master!"

Void: "alright! Alright! You do that!"

Memory immediately grabs some towels to keep Elemental's arms from.. Melting. Void quickly grabs another drug to stop the process.

Void: "okay. Okay! I found the perfect one!"

Memory: "Then do it!"

Void immediately injects the drug into Elemental's body. Meanwhile, Time is still waiting.

Time: ("gosh... It's been hours now. I wonder if Elemental is still okay..")

Time then turned his eyes on to the knob of his room's door.

Time: ("maybe I should... No! I can't! I must stay here! Elemental will be fine! I... Just gotta be positive!")

Time tried to resist temptation of getting out of his room to look for Elemental. He couldn't take his eyes off the door.

Time: ("what if he needs me? I gotta.... I gotta...! No! I can't! I just gotta wait! That's all I need to do!")

Time forced himself to obey and do as Void told him to do. The days pass by as Time waited for 2 days for Elemental to come back. He was furious and anxious.

Time: ("you know what? Forget what Void told me! I've waited long enough! I gotta go and see Elemental!")

As soon as Time opened the door without having any second thoughts, Void, Memory and Elemental were standing in front of him.

Time: "o-oh! Elemental!!"

Memory helped Void to carry Elemental back into their room. He wasn't able to move a lot. Time was relieved and couldn't take his hands off of his best friend.

Time: "Elemental! Are you okay?! What happened to you?!"

Elemental seems to be fine. He got very weak and he was breathing softly.

Time: "Elemental? Hey. Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Memory: "he's fine, Time."

Time: "what... What happened to him?! What happened to his arms?!"

Memory: "we-"

Void: "Memory. I'll handle this. You go and rest or something."

Memory: "what? Why? I'm just explaining to Time that-"

Void: "now."


Memory: "yes, Master."

Memory left the room. Which only leaves Void, Time and Elemental which he is in a unstable condition.

Void: "Time Steve."

Time: "u-uhmm... Yes, Void?"

Void: "I need to have a word with you. But first, you should take care of your friend here."

Void also left their room and gives Time a few minutes to talk to Elemental.

Time: "Hey, Elemental. It's me. Your best friend. Can you hear me? Can you talk?"

Elemental: ".....Time....."

Time: "yes? I'm here."

Elemental: "..I..... I can't...."

Time: "what? You can't what?"

Elemental: "..I can't feel..... My arms..."

Time: "maybe you're just numb. It'll wear off soon."

Elemental: "..I can't feel my head.... I... I can't...-"

Time: "look. It's gonna be okay, friend. You're gonna be okay. Just... Just stay with me."

With a sense of relief that Elemental was fine, Time hold his hand firmly.

Time: ("why... Is his left hand burning?")

Then, Void showed up.

Void: "Time Steve. Come with me now."

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