chapter 14

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Time: "did you seriously just lied to me?!"

Memory: "yes... Yes I did."

Memory felt stupid.

Time: "you said you'll never lie again!"

Memory: "I know! I just wanted to get you out of your room so that I could talk to you. If I didn't lie, you wouldn't listen."

Time: "hhhhmmm...... You do have a good point. But, that really scared the life out of me! I thought I was gonna get hit in the face again! So, if you lied, does that mean Void isn't looking for me right now?"

Memory: "yup. It was me all along."

Time Steve sighed. He looked down to the ground and shake his head.

Memory: "yeah. I'm terribly sorry for that."

Time: "okay. I'm having two feelings right now. First, I am relieved that I'm not in trouble and that you're being honest to me. Second, I am severely disappointed in you, Memory."

Memory: "I know.."

Time: "though, I still forgive you. But I don't think you're being good of a friend."

Memory: "alright, alright. I get it."

Time: "good."


Time: "you're not lying again, are you?"

Memory: "what? No! Enough with that, okay, Time?"

Time: "alright, alright. I won't assume again."

The silence continue once again.

Memory: "oh. One more thing."

Time: "what is it?"

Memory: "maybe... It'll be best if you could... Go and apologize to Elemental Steve."

Time: "w-what? No! I'm not doing that!"

Time turned around, pouting and has his arms crossed.

Memory: "come on. I know you want to."

Time: "no. You can't make me!"

Memory: "come on."

Time: "no."

Memory: "yes."

Time: "no."

Memory: "yes."

Time: "no!"

Memory: "yes!"

Time: "no!!"

Memory: "no."

Time: "yes!- wha-?! I- I mean-! No!!! Stop playing with me!"

Memory: "come on, Time. Just apologize to him."

Time: "I just... I can't, Memory. Not right now."


Memory: "but he's your... Brother."

Time: "Memory. I still don't understand this 'brother' concept. What does 'brother' even mean?"

Memory felt as it is finally the time to explain what brother means.

Memory: "brother is a man or a boy in relation to another boy. Or... Anyone else. Which is called, 'sibling'. Sibling once meant anyone who is energy-related to you."

Time: "sibling? As like.... Me and Elemental were created like... Together?"

Memory: "Well yes. But actually, siblings only counts if you and/or Elemental are created by one or more Masters in common. Which makes you and Elemental energy-related."

Time: "energy-related?"

Memory sighed.

Memory: "created with the same energy as your Master's. If a person uses some of their energy to create one or more living beings, that means THAT person is the being's actual owner."

Time was very silent. He looked down at the ground for a second.

Time: "that sounds.... Interestingly beautiful, Memory..."

Memory: "wait. Really? Huh. I never thought I could explain something clearly for once."

Time: "that was so beautiful. But wait. Are you not lying?"

Memory: "oh, come on! How could I lie right now?!"

Time: "I'm joking! I'm joking. But, wow... So. To make this clear.... Me and Elemental are real brothers?!"

Memory: "Well. It doesn't have to be 'real' sometimes. But... I'm positive that you and him are 100% related and... Are real brothers."

Time couldn't express how beautiful Memory's explanations were. He looked down to the ground and smiled.

Memory: "so... I think it'll be best if you go and apologize to Elemental."

Time: "I.... I don't know, Memory. I'm not ready. They way he yelled at me really frightens me..."

Memory: "Then don't make him yell. Easy. Just go have a little talk, and then say you're sorry. I bet he'll forgive you. And if he does, maybe you'll explain what 'brother' means to him."

Time: "do you think that'll work..?"

Memory: "yes. You can do it, Time. I believe in you."

Time: "..."

Memory: "and no. I'm not lying."

Time: "well. Alright."

Memory: "Okay. Good. I'll be listening on the outside of your room."

Time: "but wait!- what if Void finds out I'm missing? What if he's looking for me?!"

Memory: "Don't worry! Void Steve is just taking a break after a day of work. I'm sure he's not around."

Time: "really?"

Memory: "yes. You can walk out of here to get to your room if you want to instead of me teleporting you. You know what I mean?"

Time: "maybe... I'll walk. I don't really know how to teleport like you."

Memory: "Don't worry. Maybe one day..... You'll learn."

Time: "okay. Let's go."

Memory and Time went their way back to Elemental quietly without disturbing Void Steve which he's currently resting. They didn't have time to talk on their way but, later, they made it.

Memory: "go ahead. You got this."

Times takes a deep breath and lets it all out for confidence.

Time: "okay. Here I go."

As soon as Time opened their room's door..

Time: "Element? How are you-"

Time froze in mid sentence and found Elemental lying on the ground, having an uninterrupted seizure. Time Steve screamed.

Time: "ELEMENTAL!!!!!"


(it's very complicated to explain about 'brothers'. So... Sorry if I'm wrong about that.) 😅

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