chapter 8

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The room was completely quiet. Time was awake and Elemental was.... Missing.

Time: "Huh...? El? Element?! Where are you?! Where did you go!?"

Time started to look for him. However, there were no signs of Elemental in their room. He seemed to disappear while Time was resting.

Time: ("oh gosh! Where did he go? Why didn't he told me?!) Elemental?!! Where are you?!"

No one answered. Until, Memory entered their room.

Memory: "what's going on?"

Time: "Memory! Have you seen Elemental Steve anywhere?!"

Memory: "n-no. I haven't. I thought you two were in your room's together. Didn't you know?"

Time: "I know! He told me to rest and he wanted to look after me! Once I woke up, he's just... Missing!"

Memory: "W-well... Has he left anything like a note or something?"

Time: "uhhhmm..."

Time was searching all over their room to see any traces of what Elemental had left behind. However, there were no such luck.

Time: "I don't think there's anything!"

Memory: "uuuuhhh..."

Time: "wait! Is he with Void?"

Memory: "I... I don't know, Time."

Time: "can you go and find him?"

Memory: "Well... Okay?"

Memory teleported to look for Void Steve. Time tried to stay calm. Hours later after searching through out the whole place, Memory came back.

Time: "did you find him?"

Memory: "no. There's no Elemental AND Void anywhere!"

Time: "no, no, no!! Where did he go?!? He..! He can't just leave without telling me!!"

Memory: "look. Maybe Void took him somewhere."

Time: "well, where would he took him?!"

Memory: "maybe.. On an adventure? I guess..."

Time: "are you serious? Why would Void took Elemental somewhere without them telling me or you? He could at least told you where he was going!"

Memory: "uhh... Okay. Look. Maybe they'll come back soon. Just... Stay calm."

Time: "How can I stay calm?! What if Elemental is in trouble?! What if they're in trouble?! What if they're stuck somewhere?! What if-! What if they're-"

Memory: "TIME!!!"

Memory shouted. Time was inability to speak.

Memory: "CALM. DOWN. Okay? I'm sure Elemental is fine! And I'm sure Void is fine. But for the love of stars, please!!! Calm down! I can't stand it when you're overreacting!"

Time: "I..... I...-!"

Memory: "now. Let me take you to Void's living room and we'll have a talk."

Since Void isn't around, Memory decided to let Time out of their room, took him to a living room and made some tea for Time Steve and have a chat.

Memory: "I hope the tea is good."

Time: "eh. It's not bad. I like it."

Memory: "Okay..."


Memory: "are you calm now?"

Time: "err.. I'm not sure... I'm still feeling anxious about Elemental's disappearance. Not even tea can make it better."

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