4. Tuesday

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"How was yesterday? Are you friends with Yoongi now?" Hoseok asked, not really interested about it because he was thinking about last night with his girlfriend.

"I can't even have a proper conversation with him, every time I open my mouth I can't pronounce a thing."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

"Jimin, are you alright? I know you're shy but you've never been this asocial. You even talk a little with your classmates, but you can't have a simple conversation with Yoongi?"

"What are you saying, I've always been this shy."

"No, you weren't. You were the hottest mess I've ever known and suddenly you just..."

"I know! The thing is that now I just can't. I can't talk to people that easily." His voice faded little by little and Hoseok understood that he was having a hard time again against his shyness.

"Hey! I know you changed years ago and you never told me why, but keep in mind that you never changed with me, you've always been able to speak freely to me. When you talk to Yoongi just imagine he's me, your buddy."

"I don't know if I can do it. He's really different from you." He remembered Yoongi and didn't know how he was friend of Hoseok.

"He's not, that's why we're friends. He might seem serious but trust me, he's a soft and funny guy. He's even crazier than me when he's drunk."

"Well, I don't want to see that." Jimin laughed at the thought of serious Yoongi being wild. "But I'll try to treat him as a friend."

And that's exactly what he did. He even tried to practice what he was going to say. Then he started to work on his papers, but he was too distracted to keep writing them.

He took out his shirt and decided to watch videos on YouTube while lying on the couch, always having his shirt close to him in case he heard the door.

When night came he put his shirt on even though he hadn't heard the door, and a few minutes later Yoongi was entering his home.

"Hi, welcome home." Jimin spoke first and face-palmed himself for such a lame greeting. He would never greet Hoseok like that.

"Um, hi. Thank you." Yoongi left his briefcase on the table and started to loosen his tie. But this time Jimin looked the other way to not get distracted.

"How was your work?" Jimin felt so small trying so hard. And Yoongi was clearly surprised by the sudden change in attitude.

"Good, it was tiring as always, but good." He went to the kitchen to serve some wine for himself. "How was college?"

"It was good." He lied. Jimin hadn't paid any attention that day.

"Good." There was a brief moment of silence. "How's Hoseokie?" He took another sip from his wine while leaning on the kitchen counter and Jimin felt a little affected by the view.

"Hoseok is doing well. He has a girlfriend and they live together." Jimin stated with a hint of malice to see how Yoongi reacted, but he was unbothered.

"I know, he told me they're living together and that's why you had to move out."

Jimin felt a little hurt at that.

"Do you talk with him often?" Jimin found himself asking all of the sudden.

"Sometimes, he's always busy and so am I. It's not like it used to be."

Jimin felt a little happier with that statement. They were not as close as before. Was it jealousy he was feeling?

"I remember you guys used to go..." Jimin shut his mouth. He was not supposed to remember him.

"You remember what?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, n-nothing. I was confused." Damn that stuttering. "I'll go do some homework in my room." He ran away. Again.

Yoongi finished his wine. "Why does he run away all the time?" he muttered. And even though it was almost inaudible, Jimin could hear it and his heart hurt a little.

Why do I have to be like that? Why can't I have a little conversation without running away?

"When you talk to Yoongi just imagine he's me, your buddy." Hoseok had said.

Jimin inhaled and took all his courage to come out. He took his laptop with him and sat at the kitchen table, where he could see the living room and Yoongi lying on the couch, watching a movie. Jimin opened his laptop. He didn't have homework left to do, but he needed an excuse to be out and that excuse was doing homework at the kitchen table.

Yoongi noticed his presence, but decided to ignore it until he heard Jimin gasping and Yoongi had to suppress a laugh. Yoongi was watching an R-rated movie with sexual content that was being displayed right now in the TV that Jimin was clearly watching. Yoongi thought Jimin was doing homework, but his gasping betrayed him.

He's such a kid now, Yoongi thought, and while he was enjoying the scenes, Jimin was feeling uncomfortable and a little... hot.

Jimin heard Yoongi walking to the kitchen, so Jimin quickly turned his head to watch anywhere but the TV.

Yoongi served himself what would be his seventh glass of wine. But who counts? Definitely not him. Then he slowly approached Jimin's spot without a sound, but Jimin could feel his presence right behind him and his breath became heavier.

"Why is your document completely empty?" Yoongi asked, feeling a little sassy because of the alcohol.

Jimin realized he hadn't typed a single letter in his word sheet because he was so busy watching the movie and Yoongi.

"Uh I-I just finished it." Stop stuttering, he demanded himself.

"Aren't you going to say something like 'I already finished it, I'm going to my room?'"

Jimin was a little taken aback.

"D-do you want me to go to m-my room?"

Yoongi gave him a cocky smile.

"Today is the only day you decide to come out of your cave and today's also the day I'm feeling terribly stressed and I had planned watching that movie to release a little stress."

Jimin understood it rapidly and he felt the heat expanding through his face. He got up and took his laptop and himself to his room, whispering a soft good night.

He closed the door and fell on his bed hugging his pillow. Ask him if he wants a little help with that, he thought. And he mentally cursed at himself. How could I ask something like that? I don't want to help him to release. That's disgusting. He lied to himself.

But his heart kept bumping like crazy at the thought of what Yoongi was doing, and just a wall was separating them. The wall and Jimin's willpower.

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