15. Drowning in alcohol

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Funny how the three people who voted for the prior chapter have pictures of Yoongi as their profiles lmao.

Btw, we all know Yoonmin are drinking buddies in real life.

And I have to tell you that this contains some Namjin (not directly though) and it's just the beginning tbh.

"Sounds like a paradox, but this was Jin's favorite place, and coming here every day helped me to forget about him when we broke up." Namjoon said as he and Yoongi entered a strip club.

"Is this the place you take your friends when they want to forget something?" Yoongi scoffed.

"What you mean? This is the perfect place to do so." They walked directly towards the bartender and Yoongi was surprised because it was a girl, it wasn't common. Namjoon thought he would meet his bartender friend, but, apparently, he was replaced by this girl because he didn't know her. They ordered and she started preparing their drinks.

"I thought you'd take me to drink until I couldn't feel a thing."

"We can do that here." Namjoon chucked. "And then we can get a lap dance."

"I don't want a lap dance!" He lied.

Namjoon's playful expression dropped and he went back to his wise self-mode. "What's wrong, Yoongi? He asked when their drinks were served and Yoongi drank it like he had been thirsty for years.

"I don't know."

"You do. But you seem very conflicted to say it out loud." Yoongi turned to look at Namjoon.

"I'm a fucking homophobic." He started talking, his eyes were sad.

"Oh, don't start with that again. I tol-"

"And the next second I'm fucking gay." He almost choked on those words that felt like venom in his throat.

Namjoon remained quiet for five seconds before reacting to what his friend just said. "You what?"

Yoongi signaled with his hands to the bartender that he wanted three more of what he had since his glass was suddenly empty.

"You heard me." Yoongi gritted his teeth.

"Is it for that kid Jimin?"

"He's not a kid." Yoongi said, remembering the blond guy. "I thought he was. He deceived me for a while with tha-that shy child attitude, and the cute blond hair, his sudden struggle to talk to me when he used to be so talkative before. But he's not a kid." Yoongi drank his glass of alcohol in one gulp, making a grimace afterwards. "He's the fucking temptation reincarnated in the face of an angel."

"Park Jimin? The Park Jimin that you loathed so much?" Namjoon sighed, fixing his glasses in his nose. "Are we talking about the same guy?"

"Yes, that little shit put a spell on me or something." He drank his third glass as if it was water. "Otherwise, I don't know why suddenly he acts so normal around me and I-I just can't stop thinking about him. I can't, Namjoon. He haunts me in my sleep. He's the first thing I think about when I wake up." He grabbed Namjoon's still full glass and drank it because he didn't have more. Namjoon didn't mind. Yoongi needed it more than him.

"Would you bring us a bottle? Please." Namjoon indicated the bartender which bottle he wanted and she swiftly did as she was told. When she looked at Namjoon she smiled flirty, but when she looked at Yoongi she smiled feeling pity of the poor man.

"Thank you." Yoongi spat, glaring at the girl as if saying piss off, but she didn't take it personal.

"So," Namjoon said, opening the bottle. "What happened with this dude Jimin?" They started drinking.

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