22. Everything sex related disgusts you when you're heartbroken

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"The old terms such as 'literal', 'free' and 'faithful' translation, which were examined in Chapter 2, are discarded by Nida in favour of 'two basic orientations' or 'types of equivalence' (Nida 1964a: 159): (1) formal equivalence and (2) dynamic equivalence. These are defined by Nida as follows:

(1) Formal equivalence: Formal equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content..." Jimin sighed, it almost sounded like a small whimper. "Yoongi, for the love of God, I can't do this anymore!" They had been reading a book for what felt like hours, and Jimin was not having it.

"I didn't say you could stop, did I?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow. He was lying down on the couch of his studio while Jimin was in a sitting position.

"You said that I was going to read one paragraph each night and right now I'm on chapter three!"

"But we're progressing." Yoongi had a smug smile on his face and Jimin didn't know why, but it annoyed him.

"We're not. You're just doing this for fun to mock me or something." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. Yoongi sat up after hearing it, his smile long gone.

"Jiminie, no. I would never do that." Yoongi shook his head slightly in disbelief. "I know I said you would be reading just one chapter, and I'm sorry that I forced you to read three tonight, but I couldn't help it. Do you realize how much you stuttered in the first chapter? Then you got better in the second one, and I just wanted to know how you would do it in the third one." Yoongi admitted, looking Jimin straight in the eyes. "You didn't stutter, not even once in the last paragraph."

Jimin's eyes got wide at the realization. It was true. At the beginning he was so scared and intimidated that he stuttered almost every word, his voice was soft and barely audible. But, maybe it was his desperation to finish it already, that he didn't realize how good he read the last paragraph. Jimin smiled.

It was a genuine, happy smile. Jimin felt so much joy, and in other time he would've tried to hide his happiness because he'd be scared of Yoongi judging him for smiling for something so stupid. But he didn't care right now, he almost felt tears in his eyes. Yoongi watched Jimin's expression and he felt his heart melting.

"How long has it been since you read without stuttering or feeling, you know, that way." Yoongi asked, watching the younger's eyes disappear in cute crescents.

"It's been years." Jimin admitted with a whisper. He sighed with the smile still plastered on his face. "Years." He whispered to himself, deep in thought.

Suddenly Jimin threw himself to Yoongi with a laugh resonating in the room. Yoongi's back hit the couch and he felt the blond falling on his chest.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Jimin hugged the man under him, feeling thankful from the bottom of his heart. Yoongi gulped down rather awkward in this position, but hugged back, wrapping his arms around Jimin and smiling.

"Well, this feels more like the old Jimin." Yoongi smiled, not realizing how bad it made Jimin feel until he saw his face. How can a bright smile drop so easily and change into that expression? "I don't mean it in a bad way." Yoongi assured him, and Jimin just smiled, but it looked sad.

Of course, Jimin didn't want to be the old Jimin who was known for harassing and bothering Yoongi. Stupid, I shouldn't have hugged him like that. He probably thinks I'm trying something with him again, Jimin scolded himself.

"Yeah." Jimin's small voice was back and Yoongi had never hated himself so much.

"Jiminie, I-"

"I should go." Jimin stood up.

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