42. Hospital early mornings

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Jimin's face went paperwhite when he recognized that voice. Yoongi looked as terrified as Jimin when they looked at the door just to see Jimin's parents there, Jimin's mom with an open mouth and the cake in her hands falling to the floor. But that was nothing compared to the expression his dad had, he was fuming. Jimin had never seen him like that, even on that day he beat him up.

They covered their crotches and put on their pants in record time, not even caring about the underwear laying on the floor. Jimin had tears in his eyes already, but when they saw his dad walking towards his son, Jimin let out a whine of pure fear and stepped back as an abused stray dog. Yoongi went into protecting mode and stayed in front of Jimin to protect him, but Jimin's dad was just too mad that he grabbed Yoongi by the hair and pushed him so hard that he hit the floor very far away from where he was before, as if he weighed nothing.

WARNING: Violence for homophobia. If you don't want to read it, please skip it, your mental health always comes first.

The only thing going in Yoongi's mind was Jimin. Protect Jimin, protect Jimin. Get him away from him as he stood up dizzily. But everything happened too fast. Before Yoongi or Jimin could do something, Jimin's dad took a fist of his son's blond hair with his left hand and with the other he punched him in the guts with a force that left Jimin without breathing for several seconds.

Jimin didn't even got time to catch his breath before his father punched him on the jaw, sending him to the floor. No one had time to react as fast as his dad was acting because, when Jimin hit the floor, his dad's foot was already coming to Jimin's ribcage in several kicks that left Jimin sobbing because he couldn't breathe and everything hurt. His dad wouldn't stop.

He's going to kill me.

That was Jimin's last thought before everything turned black in his vision.

But for Yoongi, everything was red. He acted as fast as he could, even though it seemed too late because Jimin's body was already abused. His fist met Jimin's dad jaw, making the big man stumble, and Yoongi took advantage of it, launching his small body to him to make him fall. Once Jimin's dad was on the floor and Yoongi on top of him, Yoongi wasn't even thinking, he acted on pure instinct. He punched him over and over again, without realizing he was crying as he punched the man, not realizing his hand was turning purple until Jimin's mom finally broke from her state of shock and held Yoongi's hand as she cried.

"Stop, stop, please. J-Jimin! Let's take Jimin to the hospital!" She cried hysterically and that's when Yoongi realized he was full on sobbing and his had ached so bad. His whole fist was bruised, but the man's face was even worse.

"J-Jimin." Yoongi stuttered, trying to process everything. "Jimin. Jimin, hospital." He stood up, feeling like throwing up when he watched his beautiful boy on the floor.

Yoongi let out a loud and heartbreaking sob when he saw him, as if he was choking. Perhaps he was choking. He needed air. He needed to breathe. He needed Jimin.

Yoongi was trembling and he didn't know what to do because his mind wasn't working and, in that moment, he swore he would believe in God when he saw two angels in the form of Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook on the door. Jungkook ran to Jimin and Taehyung, with wide eyes, took his phone out and called an ambulance.

Thank you. Thank you. Jimin repeated in his mind, not sure who he was thanking to, but he knew that with Jungkook's and Taehyung's help Jimin was going to be fine. He's going to be fine. Fine. Alright. He repeated as he tried to breathe, but there was no oxygen.

"Yoongi." Taehyung cupped Yoongi's face. His lips were moving, but Yoongi didn't understand too much. "Look at me!" Taehyung yelled.

Why is he yelling? Yoongi wondered. Why is the room spinning?

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