6. Thursday

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1642 words and without any goal because no one reads me LMAO

p.s. That's Jimin's face after that girl tried to get in his pants.

Jimin couldn't sleep all night, he tried to convince himself that he jerked off to the sound of Yoongi's girl, but deep down he knew it wasn't true. He got up when it was still dark outside and took a cold shower, there was no point in staying in bed if he wasn't going to sleep anyways.

He dressed up and prepared his food, but decided not to eat there, he didn't want to see Yoongi's face after what he did last night, so he saved his food in a little airtight container that he was going to eat at college.

When he was about to leave the house, he heard something that melted his heart.

"Jiminie." Yoongi's sleepy and husky voice called him. Jimin turned to face him and saw Yoongi still dressed in his striped pajamas. "Where are you going so early?" his eyes were almost shut.

"I-I'm leaving for college."

"The sun hasn't even risen, what are you saying? College is probably still closed."

"It's always opened, hyung" The last word slipped from Jimin's mouth without realizing it until he had already said it. Yoongi's eyes opened wide when he heard the hyung word, reminding him of a younger Jimin embarrassing himself in front of Yoongi years ago.

He remembered everything too, but he decided to keep it a secret for Jimin's sake.

Jimin hurried to the door and left without turning back, he was almost running to get out of the building when he stumbled against someone.

"Sorry." Jimin mumbled.

"My bad." The guy smiled warmly. The latter kept jogging towards the gate, but the guy was still smiling while looking at Jimin.

Jimin had to wait a lot to finally see people arriving at college, he waited there for a few hours and then the lectures started. Hoseok made his now daily question to Jimin, to see if their friends were finally getting along. Jimin sighed in frustration.

"What's wrong now? You don't like him?" He asked, and Jimin couldn't tell the truth- He was drowning in his own secrets and had to lie once again.

"It has nothing to do with him, but I'm feeling a little stressed." It was a half-truth. "Actually, very stressed."

"It's been so long since you felt stressed, you're always a relaxed person." Hoseok hummed. "Maybe it's because this is your first week dealing with this big change."

"Yeah, I guess." Jimin shrugged. And Hoseok's bulb lit up.

"We're gonna get you a girl."


"Yes, do you remember you used to do that all the time before you became celibate and shit?"

"I'm not celibate. I'm just not as promiscuous as I used to be-"

"Yes, sure. So we'll get you a girl and you'll be relaxed after it. There is nothing that sex can't do."

"It can't make me happy." Jimin kind of lied.

"It used to make you happy, so shut up." Hoseok started to dial a number and Jimin recognized it immediately.

"What are you doing? We haven't talked in ages."

"So what? You haven't talked in ages with anyone but me."

He got a point.

"Perhaps she's not interested anymore." Jimin knew she was interested in him. She was for years, but Jimin couldn't correspond the feeling. In fact, he never corresponded the feeling to anyone.

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