26. No means no

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Yoongi woke up on an empty bed that still had a faint smell of Jimin on the pillow. He found himself burying his face on the soft material and sniffing that memorable smell.

He wasn't surprised about waking up alone, but he felt something weird against his chest when he realized Jimin was gone. He didn't blame him for leaving.

Yoongi took a quick cold shower and arranged himself in his regular attire and his normal emotionless expression, but he couldn't help looking sad when he realized that his house was empty before closing the front door to go to work.

"You zoned out." Namjoon spoke, looking at Yoongi through his glasses.

"Sorry." Yoongi muttered before going back to check his student's papers.

Namjoon took a sip of his coffee and cleared his voice. "You should get away from him for a while."


"You should get away from-"

"I heard you. I just don't understand why." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yoongi, he loves you. You said he told you that yesterday. And I know you feel something for him too. I don't know if it's love, but you're feeling something." Namjoon put his papers away from the coffee table.

"So what?"

"You're still reluctant sometimes, and he's struggling with his identity. You're a bad duo."

Yoongi didn't know why, but he felt annoyed by his friend's words.

"I don't need advice from someone who's not over his ex." It came out naturally and Yoongi didn't realize how bad it sounded until it was already said.

Namjoon was hurt. Even though he tried to hide it, his eyes couldn't lie. He stood up and picked up his stuff from the table, rearranging his glasses on his nose and unable to make eye contact with his friend.

"Namjoon, I'm sorry." Yoongi spoke up. "I didn't mean to-"

"Yes, you did." Namjoon was about to walk away, but he stopped and sighed. "Look, perhaps that kid Jimin is right, and that other kid Jungkook too, you're selfish and you hurt people thinking that saying sorry will make everything better. And yes, it feels good when someone apologizes to you because they were wrong, but it feels better when no one hurts you at all." Namjoon started walking away slowly, that hurtful look still evident on his semblance. "If you keep doing this, you'll end up alone."

Namjoon left without another word, and Yoongi couldn't even bring himself to formulate an answer against Namjoon. He couldn't because Namjoon was right.

Was he already alone?

That simple thought worried him like never before. He never stopped to think if there was someone for him in his life at any moment. Those were his thoughts until he remembered.

God! How could I forget him? Yoongi wondered as he dialed a number on his phone with a bright gummy smile. It rang a few times until a usually happy voice answered, but this time it sounded different, distant.


"Hobi!" Yoongi smiled and heard the other side going silent. "Is this Hoseok?" He asked after coming to the conclusion that it wasn't his friend Hoseok.

"Hi, Yoongi. It's me." Hoseok's voice sounded a little annoyed, which was weird for him. "Why are you calling?"

"Can't I call to know about you?"

"You haven't done that in months, do you expect me to believe you?"

"God, Hoseok, chill. What has gotten into you?"

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