18. Midnight talks

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The only light illuminating the house was the one in the kitchen, and Jimin was sitting on a stool in front of the countertop, drinking tea.

When he got thirsty earlier, he was about to go with the Johnnie Walker bottle. Thankfully, he told himself he didn't have to go straight to the alcohol every time he didn't feel good. That's how he ended up drinking that tea that was supposed to help him sleep. And he really wanted to go to bed, but after the incidents happening earlier that night, he lost his sleep. Again.

When the three boys at the elevator started asking how they knew Yoongi, Jimin noticed the older getting nervous. There was no trace left of the worried Yoongi, he was just nervous and came back to his stoic self.

He refused to answer any questions and just said goodnight to the three confused guys and left, not before asking Jimin if he was coming with him. Of course Jimin followed him back home.

When they got home, Jimin kept his questions about how he knew the others. Jimin was expecting something like 'they're my students,' but he knew it wasn't going to be the answer because Yoongi was way too nervous to answer. After realizing Jimin wasn't letting go of the topic, Yoongi did what he was best at when he felt overwhelmed. He yelled at Jimin to cut it already.

In all honesty, Jimin was just tired of feeling so small in front of Yoongi. He didn't like yelling, he didn't like being mistreated, and he definitely didn't like one-sided love.

Yoongi had left to his room hours ago after yelling at Jimin, and Jimin lost the notion of time while drinking his tea.

He was deep in thought when he heard someone coming to the kitchen. It had to be Yoongi, and it was confirmed when he appeared in Jimin's sight. He was wearing his dark blue pajamas, his dark hair was messy, but his eyes didn't show any sign of sleep, just like Jimin's.

"Why are you up so late?" Yoongi's voice was calmed.

"Just wanted to drink something." His voice came out as a whisper. Yoongi walked closer to the blond and took a seat beside him, so that he didn't have to look at the hurt expression in Jimin's face.

"You've been here for a couple of hours now. You don't take that much time to drink a simple cup of tea."

"I was also thinking." Jimin was almost expecting a hurtful comment as a reply. But he got something better instead.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing you would be interested in."

"But I am." Yoongi sighed. "I truly am."

"Yoongi." Jimin looked at the older, feeling hurt. "I'm not falling for this anymore. I know you don't want anything to do with me. I finally got it and that's what I've been thinking about these past hours." He looked away from Yoongi. "Just give me some time and I'll leave your house."

This time, it was Yoongi who turned his head towards Jimin's direction, his eyes were wide because he wasn't expecting it. Now that he was thinking about, he never thought Jimin could leave his side. Jimin was too stubborn and he was always bothering Yoongi's life, never giving up on that. That's why Yoongi never imagined him willingly leaving.

"Is it because I yelled at you earlier? Because I haven't slept thinking about it. I know I shouldn't have done it, you were just curious and... I'm sorry." He gulped.

"There's something wrong with you if you think I want to leave because you yelled at me tonight." His voice was so soft, and it hurt Yoongi.

The memories of every single time Yoongi mistreated Park Jimin were floating in their minds. Yoongi gulped again, and the room got quiet after what felt like an eternity, until Yoongi decided to continue.

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