45. Moving out once more

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Yoongi and Jimin arrived at Namjoon's place and he was already waiting for them in front of the door with Hoseok by his side. They had gotten along really well.

"Hey, you came." Jimin smiled when he saw Hoseok there.

"Of course, dumbass. I'm here to support you."

"What a way to support a friend." Yoongi stated as he walked close to Jimin to greet his friends.

"I'm here to support you too. You're also my friend, dumbass."

"Why are we friends, again?" Yoongi asked smiling and Hoseok returned the expression.

"Because you have no friends. You're not the type to be likable."

"Oh, thank you."

"I think only Jimin has ever liked you." Hoseok continued and Jimin began feeling his cheeks tinting.

"And that's more than enough to me." Yoongi replied, clearing his voice afterwards when he realized everyone got silent.

"The Min Yoongi is actually showing feelings." Namjoon laughed this time and Yoongi just looked away as if the trees were the most amazing things he had ever seen.

"Yeah, shut up. We have boxes to carry." He dismissed everyone with a hand gesture and everyone got to the moving truck with smiling faces to help with the boxes to unpack in Namjoon's house.

After unpacking for hours, they plopped exhausted on the floor and Jimin on the couch.

"Please never move out again." Hoseok asked. "It's exhausting."

"I'm so hungry." Jimin added with a pout on his lips.

"Does pizza sound good?" Namjoon asked, adjusting his glasses on his nose.

"It does, but Jimin and I need to save as much money as we can from now on."

"Don't worry, I'll pay." Namjoon offered and how can anyone say no to free pizza?

That afternoon they ate on the floor of the living room with the T.V. on, but none of them was watching. They kept talking about what Jimin and Yoongi were going to do, their future, their jobs.

"Work is so boring without you." Namjoon complained, making Yoongi smile.

"Yeah, I bet."

"Talking about work," Hoseok interrupted as he shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth. "my girlfriend told me there's a vacant in the school she works at. I'll send you the information, so you can send your CV, Yoongs." Hoseok announced.

"Thanks, Hoseokie. I'm having a hard time looking for a job."

"Imagine how much harder it is for me." Jimin sighed, always finding this topic too depressing. "I have no experience and I haven't finished university."

"Hey! You can always start with something simple just like me. I could ask my boss if he needs more personnel in the café I work at." Hoseok offered with a sympathetic smile and Jimin couldn't help but hug his friend like a koala. He was so happy that after losing all his friends and now his family, Hoseok always stayed by his side.

"Thank you, Hobi. You're the best."

"You know, my girlfriend and I are always willing to help. Especially now that you're both a couple and I'm not mad at Yoongi anymore." Hoseok smiled brightly.

Yoongi and Jimin smiled too and the topic changed way too fast, but there was something that kept in their minds for the rest of the day. A couple. Were they a couple?

Jimin and Yoongi hadn't talked yet about that awful day Yoongi had said I love you. That day still hurt them, but Jimin wanted to say it back. Damn, he had wanted to say that for years.

"You have a girlfriend?" Namjoon asked, interrupting Jimin's thoughts. "How lucky."

"Yeah, we live together." Hoseok beamed. "Do you have a girlfriend, Namjoon? Hoseok asked since they were still getting to know each other.

"He has Seokjin." Yoongi smirked, he believed after that day in the strip club Jin and Namjoon's spark had fired again, but judging by Namjoon's expression, Yoongi knew he fucked up.

Namjoon's gaze fell even though he tried to smile, but it was clear he was sad to talk about that. "No. he doesn't want to see me again."

"What? But you hit it off again that night in the strip club." Yoongi said without thinking, then he realized Jimin raising a brow.

"Strip club?"

"Oh, yeah, that. Don't worry baby. It's a funny story." Yoongi smiled awkwardly. He knew he had to tell about that day to Jimin and how he ended up receiving a blowjob from Taehyung the day they met. He was going to tell him that night because they were not going to keep secrets from each other from now onwards. "But this is about Namjoon, not about me."

Namjoon just shrugged. "He got mad after what we did there because, you know, he has a girlfriend now and what we did was wrong. I didn't respect his relationship because I had the hope that we would get back together but... sometimes you don't get the happy ending. Not everyone ends up in a happy relationship." he said in a sad voice because, in fact, now everyone was living a happy relationship except him. But that's how life is.

Sometimes you get the happy ending, and sometimes you don't.

This story began with Jimin moving out to meet Yoongi again because #fate, and now he's moving out again but with Yoongi right by his side. Omg.

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