24. You'll have to earn that this time

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Dios mío, perdóname
No sé por qué yo le fallé
Yo estaba en la disco perreando
Y con ella me enredé


Jimin was feeling a little out of place sitting on a stool and watching everybody dancing. He wasn't going to deny that the music and the bright lights in that dark room made him want to just lose himself into sin, but he was too shy to stand up and go dance. Jungkook watched Jimin fidgeting with his fingers and he couldn't help his smile.

"You know we can leave if you want."

"No." Jimin answered way too fast. Jungkook smiled even wider.

"Okay, but you look in thought. Are you feeling alright?" Jungkook leaned on the bar, looking at the crowd dancing like crazy. He was craving to dance, but he wanted to do it with Jimin and if Jimin didn't want to, he wasn't going to force him. He could be happy just being with the blond boy who was currently looking at a drink a girl was chugging in the other stool.

"I'm alright. Give me some time to get used to this." Jimin smiled.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Jungkook asked when he saw how Jimin glanced at different drinks.

"Yeah." Jimin answered without thinking, surprising both of them. He was the type of boy who thought a lot before making a decision.

Jungkook liked it when Jimin spoke his mind without fear, so he nodded and smiled, turning around and asking a man a drink. "Is this one ok for you?" he asked and Jimin just nodded because he liked all types of liquors.

When Jimin had his drink in front of him he took a sip and smiled. This tastes like I'll be dancing on the table in a moment, Jimin smiled and then shrugged the thought. He wasn't like that anymore, he tried to convince himself.

"Aren't you going to drink something?" Jimin asked.

"I don't drink."

Jimin quirked an eyebrow. "You don't? Why?"

"I'm a lightweight and I don't like how it tastes." He shrugged, pulling his hair back. He looks stunning in all black and with that hair, Jimin thought.

Jimin had flashbacks of the good old days. How he used to get drunk anyone who told him they were a lightweight. He used to be the bad influence your mom would hate as your friend. Except Hoseok's mom, she loved him.

"What are you thinking?" Jungkook smiled, looking at how Jimin smirked for no apparent reason."

"I used to be a very bad guy." Jimin's eyes disappeared as he kept smiling. Honestly, everyone seemed to be smiling in that place. "I used to get lightweights drunk."

"Sounds like you were really wild."

"I was." Jimin chugged down his glass.

"If it is you, I don't mind getting drunk." Jungkook admitted and Jimin snapped his head towards him.

"Don't give me permission. You'll regret."

"You can get me drunk if you want." Jungkook's eyes were piercing through Jimin. "You can do anything to me."

Jimin gulped down, looking down to avoid that intense gaze. He then nodded and asked the bartender a round of shots. He smiled when he watched Jungkook's grimace.

"What's that? Smells awful?" Jungkook scrunched his nose.

"That's tequila." Jimin smiled with that mesmerizing bright smile. He looked like an angel, but his smile was devilish. Jungkook knew it, but he didn't care, not one bit.

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