Yunlan Split Personality?

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     As Shen Wei finished his bath. "Yunlan! I almost forgot! I have something for you?!" Shen Wei's smile change and dropped the peaches he cut in half for Yunlan. When he saw the bed was empty and Yunlan was gone. As he tried to find him where his hiding. And found out he is nowhere to found in the apartment. He called Da quing for help.

     The said Yunlan is walking to the park to get some fresh air. And sit on a bench. Suddenly someone sit at his side. "Hello Yunlan! Miss me?"Said the stranger. Yunlan's eyes went wide. "Why are you wearing my clothes and looking like me?!" He suddenly said. But I am you?! Don't you remember? As his duplicate cling to his arms. "They are all against you isn't it?! Even the one you love, what his name again? Shen Wei! He never believes you?! They all thought your loosing your mind. "Don't worry I'm here for you?! No one's gonna harm you again?! Do you like my present? That brat want you for a bride?! Can you believe that?! He so high of himself?! So I took care of him and his abnormal brother, with one shot! Bang! They are all dead!"  He said.
"I knew it your the one that killed them! You should not uphold the law in your hands. Even though your intention are good!" Yunlan said. But he was surprised the stranger hugged him. And he suddenly inject him with something. Yunlan was shocked as he was to struggle to his hold he suddenly went limp and fall to his shoulder. "You bastard! What have you done?!" But after that Yunlan fell unconscious. "Sleep for now I will take care of the rest!" As he caress Yunlan's hair.

     While Da quing and Shen Wei were trying to find Yunlan. "Why Yunlan went for a walk and didn't bring his cellphone. Said Da  quing angrily. Suddenly someone scream. As they went to wear they heard it. A woman was beside a dead guy. When Da quing went to her side, "What happened?! I'm a police officer!" As Da quing presented his I.D to the lady. That man was a robber he was talking my bag and wallet when suddenly a young man rescue me but he killed the rubber with a knife and run toward the park. As Da quing called for back up. "Shen Wei stayed with her for a while!" As Shen Wei nod. Da quing suddenly ran toward the park as he saw someone waking up on a bench, holding a knife on his hand. He suddenly shout, "Halt! This is the police! Take down your weapon slowly and turn back here!" As Da quing beam his light to the vigilante with his flashlight. He was shocked, it was Yunlan. "Da quing! Let me explain!" Yunlan shout.

     Minute pass, as Yunlan was sent in the office and  was handcuff. His boss was so furious and scolded him. "We are a police not a vigilante! You don't need to kill someone to stop a crime!" He shout.  Suddenly the woman whom he rescued was angry at his superior. "Why are you handcuffing him! He save me!" Said the woman. His boss called Da quing to get the woman out. As he take off Yunlan's handcuff. "I will slip this one but you ever do this again! Your off the force! Understand! His boss shout. "But boss I told you it's not me! The one that look like me done that! Why won't anyone believe me!" Yunlan protest. As his boss gave him a card on a psychiatrist. "I want you to go there, maybe your just shocked on what happened to you back then. I want a report on your check up! Got it!" As he made Yunlan leave for the force for a while and get his badge. He won't give it until he have a report on the doctor who will look on Yunlan.

     "Yunlan!" As Shen Wei embrace him. "I'm sorry you lost your job!" Yunlan just hugged him back, "It's only temporary! If the psychiatrist check me up and the result is negative. I can go back being a police officer." He said to Shen Wei.

     That night Wayne is having a bachelor's party. As he saw someone familiar who is drinking alone. "It can't be? It's that my brother Yunlan?! As this someone met a huge guy. And embrace him. The huge guy is flirting with the said Yunlan. "I can't believe his cheating at my Gege with an ugly guy!" As he photograph the guy and the said Yunlan.  The guy suddenly pay the bar tender and pulled the man that look like Yunlan outside. "I have to call Gege!" As he was about to dial, his friends suddenly came, "Hey! Wayne would you stop hanging outside, the party is inside!" One of them shout. As they pull Wayne inside the party.

     When Yunlan went home with Shen Wei, he laid himself silently on the bed. As Shen Wei laid his head to Yunlan and embrace him. "Yunlan just remember I'm always here for you!" And kiss Yunlan's head. As he snuggle into him. Yunlan suddenly turned around and face him. "You believe in me! Right Shen Wei? Just only you! I can believe in myself again?!" Shen Wei just nod and said, "Yes! I believe in you!"  As Shen Wei let Yunlan sleep beside him. He suddenly have a bad dream. "Yunlan! Can you see this?" As a huge guy was tied up at the back of a disco bar with a gag on his mouth. Suddenly he  suddenly slice the man's neck, as blood overflow in it. Yunlan look a like laugh, "That guy! Likes to rape young children. I just killed him for you! He won't harm any kid again!"

     As Yunlan scream  in his sleep, luckily Shen Wei was still wide awake as he tried to wake Yunlan's up, he shake him. Suddenly Yunlan's eyes suddenly pop open. As he saw Shen Wei.  "He has killed again!" Shen Wei suddenly embrace him. "What are you talking about?" As Shen Wei's phone suddenly ring. Wayne is calling him. As he remove his embrace to Yunlan and get the call. "Gege! Yunlan is cheating on you with a huge guy!" Shen Wei was confuse, "What are you talking about?! Yunlan is here! We're together since this evening!" Said Shen Wei. " Really?! Then who is this?" As Wayne transferred a picture of the man who look like Yunlan with a huge guy. Shen Wei's eyes went wide. As he was about to tell Yunlan his right. His gone again.

      Suddenly Wayne saw Yunlan gone to the bar with a pajama and a robe only.  "Wait?!  When did he changed clothes so quickly?!" As he tried to find someone. And went outside the back door. Wayne followed him. He was shocked to see the huge guy is already dead. And the one whose holding the knife is Yunlan.

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