Yunlan's Decision

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     Minute pass, as the four of them talk.... Yunlan and Shen Wei can't look at their brothers while Yezun and Weylan can't also look at them without seeing that scene again.

     It was Wayne who first talk, "So, the two of you got together again?" As both say, "No and Yes!" And both looked at each other. "What do you mean no! After everything that happened to us?!" Said Shen Wei. As he stand up. "What about the girl? Are you now dumping her for me? Or have you forgotten?!" As Yunlan stand up as well. "No! You misunderstand it!" Shen Wei shout. "Really? Baby? Or have you forgotten that as well!" Said Yunlan. As they were fighting non stop. Yunlan accidentally stumped Shen Wei's phone. As the voice record of Yunlan and  Shen Wei making love to each other suddenly play. Yunlan almost pop his eyes off. As Shen Wei blushed and tried to stop his phone. While they're two brothers were shocked again. "You two if you didn't love one another? Then what is that?!" Said Yezun. Shen Wei was speechless. While Yunlan, "I need to go, I'm late for work." As he was about to leave. Shen Wei suddenly grip his wrist. "Please don't go?" He said. But Yunlan suddenly removed his hand as he walk away. His Didi follow him. As Shen Wei was comfort by his brother.

     "Gege! Gege! Come back here! Yezun shout. "What?!" He irritated say. "After what you done to Shen Wei your just gonna leave him?!" He suddenly said. Yunlan can't believe what's his hearing, "Are you on his side now?! His the one who first leave me and I was replace by a woman?!" He suddenly shout. "But.... Gege he still love you! Wayne said that to me!" But Yunlan ignored him and went to his red Jeep and speed away toward their office. He didn't notice someone watching them from the shadow.

     An hour pass as they were in a meeting again, Yunlan looking intense at his ball pen. As his Chief notice him again. "Da quing your partner what's wrong with him again?" As Da quing smile to his Chief, it's the professor again." As his Chief rubbed his forehead could you tell to your partner to concentrate on our meeting?!" As he strike his fist on the table making everyone look at him even Yunlan. When lunch break came, Yunlan suddenly run toward his Jeep making Da quing confuse again to him. As he drive again toward Dragon University to his beloved professor.

     As the said professor is eating in the canteen with his co teachers. "Shen Wei you look so gloomy today? What happened?" One of the professor ask. As Shen Wei about to speak. Someone pulled Shen Wei on his sit and kiss him. Everyone was shocked. As one of the professor drop his pork that his eating. When Yunlan told him they need to talk. As he pulled him again toward the exit.

     When they went to park were no students are there and sit on the bench. Shen Wei was still speechless why Yunlan done that. As Yunlan began, "I want you back?" Yunlan suddenly say. As his waiting for the response of Shen Wei. Whose still shock. "Don't you here me? I want you back! Or you don't like anymore? Is that it?!" As he was about to leave. Shen Wei suddenly grip his wrist. "I want you too!" He said back. As Yunlan suddenly sit beside him. "Then it means your mine now!" As he hold Shen Wei's hand and smile. Shen Wei suddenly lean his head to Yunlan. "Then your my boyfriend now?" He ask. "And your my one only love!" Said Yunlan as he kiss him on the head.

     They didn't know they're being photograph by someone, "Got you!" He whispered to himself. A minute pass, as Yunlan dropped Shen Wei to his dorm, he kissed him goodbye before he left for work. As Shen Wei is waving goodbye to Yunlan he was startle by one of his student Jiang. "Sir! Is that your boyfriend?" He ask. Shen Wei blushed. "Don't ever tell that to your classmates, okey?!" As he walk back to his dorm. Jiang smile on him but when he turned his back, "Yes, I would never share my prey to anyone, right officer?!" As he smirk and looked at the jeep that is driving away. "I will see you again my prey." As he made a gun gesture toward the jeep.

     When Yunlan came back at the office, "Hey! Have you eaten lunch?" He ask. As Yunlan laugh, "Oops! I have forgotten!" Da quing suddenly gave him a chicken sandwich, "Here! You need to eat will have patrolling to do in Dragon
University. " Yunlan eyes suddenly became bright as he eat his sandwich, it means he will see his Shen Wei again. "Saying that "his" is making Yunlan giggle like a girl.
As Da quing noticing it, "so, how's the professor? Is he doing fine? He suddenly ask. "Yes....and his mine now!" Said Yunlan. Da quing almost jump, "You lucky devil you! How did you do that!" As he rubbed his head.

     Minute pass, as they were back at afternoon. Patrolling the school. Yunlan was so happy  he bought a bouquet of roses for Shen Wei. "Da quing can I go for a minute I'm just gonna give this to my boyfriend, proudly say. As Da quing nod. Yunlan went to the dorm. As he knock to the door. " answer?" Maybe his not home yet, tsk! I forgot I don't have a keys to his room. He didn't notice there's a student at his back, he almost jump back making the kid laugh. "Who are you?" He ask. "I'm Jiang sir, if you want to find the professor his in one of his class." He said. " Oh...., fine little man I better be going..." As he was about to  leave. Those roses are beautiful sir, just like you?!" He said with a smile. Yunlan just rubbed his head. "Nice kid!" But the said kid suddenly grip his hand. "You have nice hand it remind me of my brother!" He said while looking at him intensely. Yunlan tried to retrieve his hand. "This kid is strong?!" He said himself. "Jiang!" Shen Wei shout. Jiang smile faded as Shen Wei came and retrieve his boyfriend hand. "Would you mind! Go to class now!" As he pulled Yunlan toward his room. They never notice Jiang smirk. "I won't share my prey, professor...." As he leave.

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