Give Me Your Future

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     Next morning, as Shen Wei woke up early  in the morning to cook breakfast. He silently removed Yunlan to him and gave him a kiss on the head.

     While his cooking uncle Ekin came and greeted him. "Is Yunlan still sleeping?" He ask. "Yes he is still sound asleep." He said. "You know I kept saying to him to throw away that candy wrapper at that picture frame it's just a waste of space!" As Shen Wei stop his cooking, he protest. "It was given to him by a special person who help him escape his abductors, that's why it's important to him." He said. His Uncle Ekin laugh loudly. Shen Wei looked puzzled to him. "Is that what he said to you?" His laughter turned into sadness. "What if I said to you, there is no kid that help him escape?" As he drink his coffee. Shen Wei was shock. "What do you mean?" As uncle Ekin look at him, "I was one of the rescue squad so I saw what happened?! There is no kid, just him!" As he was about to walk away. Shen Wei suddenly grip him. "Tell me what happened to him?!" As uncle Ekin continue, "The twins were playing at the playground, when that guy came. First he was aiming for Yezun. But his brother bit the man causing him to drop Yezun, as Yezun flee. The man instead took him. It's been days and so we search for him. As we saw the location. Yunlan was running for his life while the man is running after him. I shot that man back then because I was furious and he might harm my nephew. Yunlan on the other hand slip and fall. As we brought him to the hospital. And found out his been torture by that man in days. He kept on mumbling that's there still kids just like him in the van and a kid that help him escape and gave him that candy. But there's no one there in reality just him. His parents  got worried and  just said he died. And made an appointment to the psychiatrist. It's been months since Yunlan became normal again. That's why I came back here when I heard his been kidnapped again.
But as I can see he have you and not an imaginary friend. Shen Wei was struck he didn't know Yunlan have bad childhood memory. He always been looking so tuft and happy not minding what dangers lurks in being a police.

     As the said guy suddenly descendent downstairs as both Shen Wei and his uncle look at him.
"What?! Do I have something on my face?"  But as he see Shen Wei that put a smile on his face. Forgetting his uncle is there and having a great view of the kiss. Almost making his uncle chuckle on his coffee. As Shen Wei tried to restrain his Yunlan for they have a visitor in their house. Thinking of it their house, almost making Shen Wei giddy on his heart. And almost making him blushing, which confusing Yunlan.

     Minute pass, as they bid farewell to uncle Ekin, he suddenly slapped Yunlan in the back making him yelp and while Shen Wei mad. As he wink to Shen Wei, making Yunlan suspicious. "What did uncle Ekin said to you?" He ask. "Nothing!" As he gone back to the dinning room taking the plates out. He almost drop the plates when Yunlan suddenly embrace him and nuzzle to his neck. "I'm so glad your here with me!" He suddenly said. Shen Wei suddenly dropped the plate making Yunlan surprised, as it clatter on the table.  He was suddenly lift up like a bride and they ascendent to the room.  As Shen Wei kick the door to close it and laid Yunlan on the bed. In no minute at all Shen Wei was hovering over him. As he swiftly took off Yunlan's shirt as well his and kiss Yunlan hungrily while holding him to place. As he almost make Yunlan lips swollen, he attack his neck next as his gone further to the pink nipples his sucking and licking, Yunlan moans his name as he tried to arch his back making a friction to Shen Wei while his feet curl on the bed. Shen Wei suddenly stop as to take off Yunlan's pajama pants, shorts as well as his. He suddenly went to his nightstand. As Yunlan said breathlessly, "The other side...hurry!" As Shen Wei about to get it they heard someone unlock the door. " Gege! We're here! As Wayne get every grocery they have. "Why is the dishes still not clean?!" Yezun said. "That can't be my Gege is always sparkling clean!" Said Wayne.

     While the two in the room start to panic. "Why did you gave an extra key to your brother?!" Shen Wei whispered to him angrily. While they trying to wear their clothes. "Well I didn't know you back then! Remind me to get it while his not looking!" He whispered back.

     "Gege! Where are the two of you!" He shout. When he was about to ascend the stairs. Wayne stop, "Do you want to see that again?" Yezun suddenly shake his head and went back stairs. "We have just to wait here!" As Wayne put the groceries to the refigerator and cabinet.

     Minute pass, as Yunlan and Shen Wei descendent the stairs. They welcome the couple. "Hey! Gege! Don't forget tomorrow! We need to practice the walk in the wedding tomorrow! Okey!" As they both nod in returned. But suddenly Yezun notice something, "Gege! Your pants! Why are you wearing a trouser?! And a pajama shirt!" Yunlan was shocked as he look to Shen Wei his wearing a pajama pants while wearing a polo shirt. As Shen Wei became red, he quickly pulled Yunlan upstairs and change. "Maybe we should call first before we gone here!" Said Yezun. While Wayne laugh. "My perfect Gege is  always getting mistake on what's he doing now a days, thanks to your brother dear." Wayne said. Yezun huff, "What?! My Gege is always perfect! I don't know yours?!" Wayne calm down his groom to be. And embrace him from behind and kiss his cheek. "Oh! Come on! Don't get angry. I'm just saying my Gege is having a life now, he always a bookworm and no time for love life. Thanks to your brother he is quiet happy now!" As both smile each to each other.

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