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"I wish I could tell you Grayson, but I told her I wouldn't tell anyone." I heard Ally whisper on her phone from the kitchen. "She'll be fine. You need to stop worrying."

I tried to drown her out and focus on writing some stuff down for this video we're getting ready to film.

"No she's not pregnant dumbass. She would've told you." I turned around and looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

I turned back around grabbed my phone so I could tweet something for another video idea.

@haleslottie: hey y'all, I need you guys to tweet me as many random questions as you can. I'm doing a QnA with a twist because why not. Use the #twistedQA to send them 😉
98k retweets; 902k likes

"No, she trusts you. But she didn't want to tell anyone, she only told me because I forced her to." Ally said, walking back into the living room since she figured out that I could hear her anyway. I shrugged and nodded, because she did force me to tell her, kind of.

"She's fine Grayson, really." Ally sighed, leaning back against the couch. "No you're not coming over because we a lot of work to do and she doesn't concentrate when your here." I pouted but didn't say anything because she had a point.

"Bailey, if you even think about showing I will tell the security to remove you from the building."

"I'm serious. Bye."

She hung up the phone and then went on twitter to start screenshotting some of the questions people were sending in.

"I mean, he could come over and help." I said, standing up to get the lights out of the closet so I could start setting them up.

"Yeah, because we got so much done the last time he came over to help." She said, starting to laugh. "Oh some of these are great. Good luck finding song lyrics to answer them with."

"Ally." I whined. "Why would you pick ones that are going to be difficult?"

"Because it's a challenge."

"If the roles we're reversed, I'd go easy on you." I said, sitting back on the couch to make sure the lights weren't going to blind me.

"No you wouldn't." She said, standing up and getting the camera ready.

"Yeah, probably not." I said, sitting back all the way against the couch and crossing my legs. "Did Grayson really ask you if I was pregnant?"

"Yeah." She said, fiddling with the lighting. "He sounded pretty disappointed when I told him no."

"You're kidding?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Disappointed huh?"

"Yeah-" She said looking up. "You're not, are you?"

"Absolutely not."

"Mhm." She said, pursing her lips.

"Whatever, are you ready to film? We've got a lot to do today." I said, taking a sip of my water. She nodded and turned the camera on.

"Hello, it's me." I sang in to the camera before bursting out laughing. "As you can probably tell from the title of this video I'm doing a Q and A with a little twist. All of my answers have to be song lyrics and Ally has comprised a list of the weirdest, hardest to answer questions but I feel pretty confident in my skill level."

Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now