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Gray 💙
Good morning beautiful.
Where do I even start? I can't
believe it's been a year since
I've been able to call you mine.
All of the things I wanted to say
to you for so long, I've been able
to say them for the past year and
I can't wait to spend everyday for
the rest of my life telling you how
much I absolutely adore the shit
out of you. I love you so much baby
girl and I wish I could be there with
you this morning to tell you all of this
in person. It started snowing and our
flight back from jersey got delayed.
As soon as our plan lands in LA I will
be there and I'm going to show you just
how much I love you. Happy Anniversary

Grayson 😭
I'm literally sobbing rn.
I have no words.
You make me smile everyday I'm with you.
I can't wait till one day when I get to
be yours forever and have a family with you.
You never seize to amaze me with your endless  amount of joy and creativity.
I love you so much ♥️
okay so I did have SOME words.

I smiled weakly at my phone before laying it back down and grabbing n tighter to my pillow. My mom still hasn't called me and it's been three days. I don't understand what's taking so long. But the longer it takes, the more hope that I lose that my dad is going to come out of this the winner. Ethan and Grayson left the day before yesterday to go back to New Jersey for a day and Ally left yesterday to go to her brother's wedding, and I've been in here, in the dark in my room, worrying.

My phone started buzzing again and I flipped it over, hoping it was my mom, but it was just a text from Ally.

Ally 🌼
I can't do this.
Also why the heck did I just look
up the price of this dress?
This costs more than three
months of my rent.
What is it made of? Pure gold?
Oh gosh, my mom is awake now.
And she's yelling at Josh and Alex.
I'm next, it was nice knowing you.
Also: happy anniversary

You're acting a lot like E now.
Relax, stop being so dramatic.
Thanks girl! You guys are next.

Thanks girl! You guys are next

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Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now