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Let's play a game, is this:
a) a giant baby
b) the 10,000 course breakfast 
Grayson made me eat this morning or
c) all of the above

Me: Let's play a game, is this: a) a giant baby b) the 10,000 course breakfast  Grayson made me eat this morning or c) all of the above

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Ally 💍
I'll take c for $500 Alex.
Look at my niece, growing and thriving.

Too bad you're niece is a nephew.

Ally 💍
We'll see.
Also, since when do you
go to the gym?

Drs orders 😭

I plugged my phone back on the charger and walked into the bathroom to take a shower to wash the gym off of me. I'm so glad my apartment building has a gym in it because I don't like working out in public, I don't like working out at all. I've got an hour and a half before Emma gets here and I still haven't decided if I want to tell her or not. I quickly took a shower, not bothering to wash my hair because I didn't really do enough to get my head sweaty and I walked out, wrapping a towel around me.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my closer grabbing a pair of jeans, underwear, a bralette, and one of Grayson hoodie, hoping this would be good enough to hide the fact that I'm pregnant around Emma if I decide not to tell her.

Everything was going smoothly until my pants decided they didn't want to button. I even laid down on my bed and tried to force them together like I did back in the day when I would bloat from cramps.

I sighed and stood up, walking downstairs, not even bothering to button them anymore. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my reusable cup, filling it up with ice and water before walking over to the couch to wait for Emma to get here. I took out my phone and decided to update my mom on the 'I can't fit pants' situation.

Hi hello, your grandkid has
made me fat already. Why? 
I can't fit my pants.

Mama 💕
Well you were kinda small
to begin with.

But still...why?

Mama 💕
I'm sure you're fine.
Do you look pregnant or do
you look like you ate too much
ice cream?


Mama 💕
Yes what?

To both of them

Mama 💕
Maybe you're having twins.

Absolutely not.
I had them check four times
to make sure there is only one baby
in here and that's all there is.
The one baby.
Not two.

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