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"As you guys know, my best friend Ally is getting married. And as maid of honor, I have the duty of planning the bridal shower." I said into my vlog camera on my dashboard.

"So in honor of that, I'm jumping on the band wagon and doing the 'the person in front of me decides what I buy' challenge, but I'm going to go to three different party stores and hopefully I can pull some kind of shower together with everything I buy."

I already have all actual stuff for her shower and it's all prepped and ready to go. I'm just doing this because I need a video to film.

"So my first stop is to go pick up the twins because I'm incapable of doing anything by myself, also because I need someone to film. So I'll be back with the twins." I snapped my fingers because I was going to edit it to where the twins would appear on the car after I snap, because why not?


"Hi guys." I said after snapping my fingers again, they were already sitting in the car, but ya know, camera magic.

"Hi!" They yelled at the same time.

"Those are some pretty cool tee shirt," I said looking at both of them. "Where'd you get them?"

"Oh, you know, just this pretty cool place called link in the description box bellow." Ethan said.

"Wait," I said. "The description box of this video?"

"Yeah." Grayson said. "And I'm pretty sure they were fifteen dollars before shipping."

"That's a great deal. Do you know how many colors they come in?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"If I remember, I think it's seven." Ethan said.

"That's wild."

"I know." The twins said at the same time.

I couldn't control it anymore and I burst out laughing.

"Okay that was dumb." I said. "But yeah, new merch dropping two hours after this video goes up."


"Alright well we're at the first store, I already called ahead of time and asked if it would be okay to film and they gave us the okay so let's go."

"How's this going to work?" Grayson asked, grabbing my hand as we walked into the store. I grabbed a basket from beside my door and carried it with my free hand.

"I'm just going to walk into an aisle and pick a person and buy whatever it is they are buying."

"What if it's not bridal shower related?" Ethan asked, holding the camera.

"That's the fun part of the game." I said. I turned around and picked the first person that I saw.

"Okay," I whispered into the camera. "I think I'm going to get everything this person gets."

"That's only because she's the only one in here." Grayson said.

"Okay, whatever. Let's just start the time laps or else this video is going to be 12 hours long."


"Okay well that was interesting." I said once we got back in the car. "I'm going to do a giant haul at then end of this video so I'm not going to show you what I got yet."

"Can we go get food before we go to the next store?" Ethan asked from the backseat.

"I guess so E." I nodded.

Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now