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I woke up from a very short nap, still feeling antsy and not relaxed at all. But how could I? How could anyone in my situation? I groaned and kicked my blanket off, getting out of my bed and stretching before waking down the stairs. 

Ally was sitting on the couch watching tv and Grayson was sitting in the kitchen at the counter, doing something on his phone.

"Hey sleepyhead." Ally said noticing me walk in. I glared at her and crossed my arms across my chest, sitting on the bottom stair. "How was your nap?"

"Well I was in Virginia with my family before I woke up so-" I said leaning against the banister.

"I know something that'll make you feel better." She said.

"A plane ticket to Virginia?"

"No." She said standing up and coming to stand in front of me. "But I have family tea I can spill."

"I'm intrigued." I said standing up.

"So apparently I have to go back to New York." She said. I walked past her and into the kitchen, needing something to drink.

"Gross, why?" I asked.

"Wait, what's wrong with New York?" Grayson asked, turning to look between us. We ignored him.

"Apparently Jordan is getting married." She said and my eyes widened.

"Wait, cute little, nerdy, adorable Jordan?" I asked. "The same the Jordan that I-" Grayson coughed and I stopped talking.

"Who's Jordan?" Grayson asked. We looked at him for a second and then went back to having a conversation.

"So do you have to be the videographer?"

"No. My mom said they needed a 'real' one."

"So then why are you going?" I asked, sitting on the barstool beside Grayson.

"What is actually going on?" Grayson asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"One of Ally's brothers is getting married and she has to go back to New York, keep up." I said to him quickly.

"The one that you apparently had a thing for?" He asked.

"Haley's got a type okay, but we already knew that." Ally said. I nodded in agreement walking over to him wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm going because my mom..." she said. "Ugh, Why am I going?"

"Wait, why don't we talk about your family?" Grayson asked.

"Because we don't like them." Me and Ally said at the same time.


"Because my mom thinks I'm a waste of talent since I went to college for film and not something she could brag about like being the team doctor for the Knicks or creating biodegradable whatever, or going to law school."

"Your brother is the team doctor for the Knicks?" Ethan asked popping up from around the corner.

"Not the point!" Me and Ally yelled at the same time.

"Wait-" I threw my hands up in the air, confused. "When did you get here?"

"Like an hour ago." He said, opening my fridge looking for something to snack on I assume. I shook my head and turned back towards Ally.

"So what if you just don't go?" Grayson asked.

"That's not going to work." Ally said.

"What if you show up decked out in Gucci and Louis and flex on them?" Ethan said closing the fridge and leaning against. I raised my eyebrow.

Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now