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My phone rang and I panicked. I don't know why, maybe because I thought it was going to be my mom, calling to see what the tests said. Well, they say nothing right now because they're still sitting in the box. I reached up on the counter and grabbed my phone, seeing Ally's name and answering.

"Hey, How was filming?" I asked, trying to disguise the nerves in my voice.
"It was great. We're already ahead of schedule." She said. "Are you okay? You sound a little off."
"Yes. No. I don't know." I said, not being able to take my eyes off the little pink box in front of me.
"What's wrong?"
"I-" I didn't know what to say. "Are you almost home? Can I come over?"
"Yeah, I'm about 15 minutes away from home." She said. "What's going on?"
"I've got to do something...and I don't think I can do it alone." I said, standing up off the ground.
"Ill just come to you." She said. "You don't sound emotional stable enough to drive." She has a point, I slid back down the wall and sat on the floor again.
"You're right. I'll see you in a few minutes."

I hung up the phone and laid it beside me. This can't be happening, this is isn't happening. If this is happening, I wouldn't be more than 5 weeks, right? Because I had my period last month, but then again, you can be pregnant and have a period, right? So I could be closer to 6 or 7 weeks along, that's even if I am pregnant.

"Haley?" Ally yelled from downstairs, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm in the bathroom." I yelled back.

"Why are you-" she walked into the room and stopped.

"What is that?" She asked, pointing to the pink box on the counter. I didn't say anything, I just kept staring ahead.

"You think you're pregnant?" She asked, picking up the box off the counter. I just shrugged.

"Well then, are you going to take it?" She asked, crossing her arms, the box still in her hand. I just stared at it and shook my head.

"This is the one test I can't take for you." She said, holding the book out to me. I sighed and took it from her.

"I'm going to go stand in the hall."

The sound of my alarm blared and I panicked. This is actually happening.

"Are you going to look at them?" Ally asked from beside me.

"Just give me a minute." I said, taking a deep breath.

"I just gave you five minutes." She said, standing up. "Come on, get up."

I sighed and stood up, walking I've to the counter.

"What'd they say?" She asked.

"I don't know." I said, still not having looked at it.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean, I haven't look at them yet."

"What are you waiting for?"

"To wake up and this just be a really messed up dream."

"Well you're awake and this is a reality, so just open your eyes and look at the tests."

I opened my eyes and looked down on the counter at the two little blue sticks sitting there and read them.

"Oh my god." I said, covering my mouth with my hand, backing up to use the wall as support.

"What? What does it say?" She asked, walking over and reading them for herself. "Oh my gosh."

"I'm pregnant?" I said, well it was more of a question because I didn't really know how to wrap my head around what was happening. "I gotta tell my mom."

Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now