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Hi I know J is kind of (actually really) problematic now but we're going to pretend that he is a good person in this story because I can't exactly write him off cause he's her cousin. So let's pretend that this is an alternate reality cause by some kind of tone travel and that James Charles is a sweetheart and unproblematic (at least in this story) I do however know that I'm going sit back enjoy my wine and watch everything go to hell

I realized I should probably put dates in this cause well, it may get confusing. So this day on this chapter is....

June 15th, 2020

"Bug, you doing okay back there?" My mom asked from the passenger seat.

"Just peachy." I said pouting and crossing my arms.

"There's nothing wrong with the baby, I don't see why you're pouting." Grayson said, turning into the parking lot of the grocery store so that my mom could run in and get the cake that she called and ordered.

"Because my doctors trying to turn me into Ethan."

"She didn't say you had to cut all dairy out of the diet, she just said you had to cut back on your dairy intake." Grayson said, parking the car.

"But how do you measure how much to cut back. It could be just having one bowl of cereal versus two. Or cutting back to only eating dairy once a week. Like when do I know when it's too much? So basically when she said that, she was actually advising me to stop eating dairy all together." My mom sighed, probably getting aggravated with me and I don't blame her. She opened her door and got out, walking towards the door of the store.

"I'm sure she just meant not stuffing goldfish and Doritos into grilled cheese." He said, turning around to look at me. I glared at him.

"I did that once." I said, rolling my eyes. He raised his eyebrows at me. "Fine, it was like four times but that's it."

"It's going to be fine. You're not going to turn into Ethan."


I was being nosey, like I always am, while Grayson was outside grilling and I found a box. And in this box was a PR package. And in this PR package was a cassette tape and player hand-packaged by Shawn Mendes himself. And who was this package for? Ethan.

"Hey E?" I said, opening up the door and walking to the patio. "You going to do anything with this?"

I held the box up and he turned around to look at it.

"I listened to it, but I haven't found a place to put it yet. Why?" He said, squinting and realizing what it was.

"Can I have it?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"Why would I give it to you?" He asked, find if snarky.

"Dude, watch it." Grayson warned, flipping a burger.

"You should give it to me because I'm your best friend." I said, over exaggerating a grin.

"Mhm." Ethan said shrugging.

"Umm...you should give it to me because I'm pregnant with your niece or nephew."

"Oh yeah... go ahead and milk that one out. You can't use it after December." He said, shaking his head.

"Dude." I whined. "If it's a boy, we'll name the baby after you." He put his phone and and raised his eyebrow.

"I'm intrigued." He said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Dude. We're not naming the baby after you." Grayson said pointing the spatula at Ethan. "Babe, just go get mine off the shelf in my room and you can have that one."

Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now