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"Haley, why won't this door open?" Ally asked, struggling to open the back door, almost breaking my handle.

"Oh." I said laughing. "I forgot to take it off child-lock."

"Why was it on child-lock?" She asked, sliding over to the other side to get out that door.

"Because I was babysitting the other day."

"Who?" She asked.

"Elle and Alaïa." I said getting out of the car.

"Then why was only one- never mind. It doesn't matter." She said, grabbing on to the top of the door to get out.

"Nice ring." Grayson said, starring at her hand. She looked at it and smirked.

"Thanks, I just got it." She said, patting him on the shoulder. I looked at Grayson, wondering if he picked up on the fact that it was an engagement ring or not. He didn't.

Shane opened the door in his robe, per usual, and uno came out to greet us. Andrew came out and Ally met up with him, he kissed her temple and she smiled.

We all said hi to everyone and then Ally and Andrew told us to all sit down. Shane grabbed a diet root beer and popped it open, leaning across the back of the couch.

We all took various seats around the room, Ethan and Garrett were on the floor, Ryland sat on the couch in front of Shane, and me and Grayson sat on the other side of the couch beside Morgan. I grabbed Grayson hand and interlocked his fingers with mine, resting out hand on his thigh.

Once we were all settled, Ally looked at Andrew and he nodded reassuringly at her. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I haven't had the best experience with my family, I separated myself from them and found a new one here. I met this weirdo" she said pointing at me. "and was instantly welcome into her house and her family."

"I made new friends," she said gesturing to Shane, Ryland, Garrett, Morgan, and the twins. "and got a  crazy job that I never expected."

"So when I went to New York, something happened,  and now I finally have good memories of the city." She smiled Andrew before continuing.

"This is kind of abrupt and I definitely was not expecting it. But, Andrew and I are getting married!" She said smiling at Andrew showing her hand with the ring on.

Shane almost choked on his diet soda, Morgan and Ryland started screaming,  Garrett looked like he kind of already knew, and Ethan and Grayson looked at each other before shrugging.

"Oh my gosh! This is so exciting, you have to let me help you plan the wedding." Ryland yelled, hopping up off the couch and prancing around excitedly.

"Wait, why didn't you say something when we were outside?" Grayson asked, scratching his neck with his free hand.

"Can I be the flower girl?" Morgan asked, popping popcorn in her mouth.

"Sis we been knew this. What is actually happening?" I asked, my leg bouncing.

"Okay so Haley and Garrett were the only ones who knew." Andrew said.

"Speaking of, Haley do you remember my senior project?" Ally asked, turning to look at me.

"You mean the one where you called me at two am my time and five am your time crying because everyone quit on you last minute, and you made it all yourself in three days?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes I remember. What about it?"

"So my professor is friends with a director of sorts."

"Well yeah, that's pretty common in film school." Ryland said, biting his thumbnail.

Secret Sister: The Sister Sequel Where stories live. Discover now