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October 15th, 2020

Bedrest has had its perks. For one, I emailed all of my professors and they unlocked all of the rest of my work for the month of November and my finals and I'm officially done with College. I just have to officially wait for graduation to get my diploma.

Also, I've been writing a lot of stuff. Not just songs but like I started writing a novel. It's stupid, but it's a children's novel so it should be stupid.

Lisa and Cam are still here in LA. I don't know when they are going back but I know that twins are happy to have them here. Lisa and my mom have been bonding over grandma stuff, which is nice.

But right now, I'm forcing Ally, Cam, Ethan, and Grayson to film a video with me because I literally have nothing better to do.

"As you can probably tell, I'm joined with four guests." I said into the camera. "We are all sitting on mine and Grayson's bed because he is being very literal with the term 'bed rest' and won't let me leave."

"Well what else is it supposed to mean? It literally has the words 'bed' and 'rest' in the name. It's not called couch rest." He said crossing his arms.

"Anywho," I said rolling my eyes. "Today I'm going to make them do stuff, like eat baby food, for my own personal enjoyment because I'm going out of my mind with cabin fever."

"We're going to take a vote really quickly. Do you guys want to do the baby food first and get it over with, or do you want to save it for the grand finale?"

"Grand finale." Everyone but all said and I nodded.

"Alright then. Ethan, can you hand me that box over there?" I asked, pointing to a big box in the corner. He nodded and stood up, bringing the box over.

I opened it and took out four baby dolls, four diapers, and four blindfolds.

"For our first challenge, our beautiful contestants here are going to be blindfolded and you're going to have thirty seconds to change the diaper on the baby doll, whoever gets the closest to having it on right gets a point." I said handing out the dolls, diapers, and blindfolds.

"Where did you even find four blindfolds?" Cam asked, tying hers around the back of her head.

"The blindfold store." I said.


"Alright y'all, Ally won the first round and Ethan won the second round. Which means they get to put toilet paper diapers on Grayson and Cameron. This'll be the last round before the baby food."

"The rules are simple. Each team gets one roll of toilet paper and you've got 45 seconds to make a diaper. And whosever doesn't fall off when you walk, wins."

"Alright, ready, steady, go!" I said, clicking go on the timer.

"Bro, watch where you're grabbing." Grayson said, smacking Ethan's hand.

"How else do you expect me to get it tucked in enough so it's not going to fall off when you walk?"

"Just look at Ally and Cameron and see how they are doing it." Grayson whispered to him, even though we could all here him.

"Hey, no cheating." Ally said, looking up from her toilet paper diaper for a second.

"15 seconds left." I said.

"F***." Ethan said, speeding up trying to get the diaper to look better than Cameron and Ally's.

The timer beeped and Ethan groaned, throwing the rest of the toilet paper on the ground.

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