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I dialed my dad's number and put the phone on speaker, laying it on my lap.

"Hey dad. You're on speaker with me and Grayson."
"Hi sir." Grayson says, his leg bouncing nervously. I reached over and put my hand on his knee reassuringly.
"Everything okay?"
"Umm yeah. Everything's fine." I said coughing. "We just had something we need to tell you."
"What? You're not going to tell me you're pregnant, are you?" He laughed and me and Grayson exchanged looks.
"Actually-" I started to say but he cut me off.
"You're not pregnant." He stated. "You guys have have barely been together for over a year."
"I assume you guys are getting married then?" He asked.
Both of us stayed silent.
"Of course you aren't." He sighed. "Because that would be the responsible thing to do."
I moved my hand back from Grayson leg and wiped my eyes. I really honestly wasn't expecting him to react this way.
"I don't see why it matters if we are married or not." I said, my voice shaking.
"Because this is a mistake you're going to have to live with for the rest of your life and what happens when you guys break up?"
"First of all, no one is a mistake. And second of all, what makes you think we're going to break up?"
"I'm just thinking logically here. I mean look at the facts."
"I just really can't believe you right now dad." I said standing up and taking him off speaker. "I'd expect this from grandma, but this is surprising coming from you."
"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that you giving me life advice about making a mistake that's going to live with me for the rest of my life is very hypocritical considering you cheated on my mom when you found out she was pregnant and got another woman pregnant. How's that for a mistake? You literally have no room to talk." I said pacing back and forth. Grayson stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my shoulders lightly to get me to stop pacing. "You know what? Just- I can't talk to you right now."

I hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch, before bursting into tears in Grayson arms. He immediately pulled me into a tight hug as I cried into his chest.

"Can you call Ally please?" I mumbled into his chest. One of his arms moved from my back and he grabbed his phone.

"Hey.....No, we just told her dad....Well, she ended up up yelling at him if that tells you anything....What no?She told me to call you...I guess so....what do I need to do...but she doesn't even like in-n-out...okay....Alright, bye."

"Is she coming?" I mumbled into his chest once again.

"Yeah." He said still on his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Ordering some food." He said kissing the top of my head. "Cinnabon or Krispy Kreme?"

"Quiero las dos?" I really hate that I kind of just forget what language I speak when I'm upset.

"I don't see the problem in getting a little something from both places." He says. I pulled away from his chest and looked at him funny.

"How did you-" I asked giving him a puzzled look.

"You speak Spanish in your sleep, I've picked up on some things." He said, finishing the postmates order and helping me over to the couch.

"Okay. I'm going to keep crying now." I said, nodding and grabbing the hoodie that was laying on the couch, and gripping on to it tightly.

"Okay." He said, wrapping his arms around my shoulder and pulling me into his chest. "I've got you."

HalesLottie: insert ethandolan 'is that dairy free?' comment here

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HalesLottie: insert ethandolan 'is that dairy free?' comment here. No E it's not and quite frankly I don't care 💁🏽‍♀️

Graysondolan, _Emmachamberlain, And 1,578,799 other like this

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User1: use me as an 'Ethan mentions being dairy free too much' button.

AllyRomero: you can't have a conversation with him for five minutes without him bringing up that he's dairy free.

User2: is he really dairy free tho? Like are we sure? He doesn't talk about it literally everyday or anything...

Ethandolan: honestly was just here to have a good time and i feel so attacked.
>>>Ethandolan: just like my stomach would feel if I ate dairy

"Did you really say that to your dad?" Ally asked once I caught her up with what just happened. I took one of my fries from McDonald's and dipped it in the frosting on my cinnamon roll, don't knock it until you try it.

"Okay, we can go back to the serious conversation in a minute," Ally said stopping me. "But I really can't wait to see what kind of pregnancy cravings you get, because the stuff you ate before was ridiculous." She said gesturing down to my food.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said taking a bite. "This taste too good to be weird."

"Anyway." She said rolling her eyes. "I can't believe your dad said all of that."

"Right?!" I said. "Like he's being totally hypocritical." The doorbell rang and I looked over at Grayson, hoping he was get up to answer it.

"Just because this baby wasn't planned, doesn't mean it's a mistake. It just means that your timeline has shifted a little faster than expected. Listen, this baby will be loved it's whole life, and your dad will warm up to the idea of being a grandpa. I have no doubts that he will love this baby. And on the rare case that he doesn't, I will love this baby enough for two people, trust me." She said putting her hand on my stomach.

"Babe are you craving meat?" Grayson asked, walking back in with a donut box and a bag from in-n-out.

"That's what she said." Ally mumbled under her breath.

"No." I said looking at him like he was dumb. "And why do you have in-n-out?"

"Ally told me to get it." He said, looking at her confused. She stood up and grabbed the bag from him, leaving me to grab the donut box.

"Yeah that wasn't for Haley, that was for me." I turned to look at her and glared after taking a cruller.

"What? You can't expect me to be emotionally supportive on an empty stomach," She said, biting into her burger.

I looked at it in disgust and turned away from her before it made me sick.

Okay I'm ending this here. Enjoy another two chapters in one day procrastination session from yours truly.

Can we just talk about how Grayson had his phone on him in today's video? Like boy that's cheating 😂😂





Do y'all speak any other languages?

Also, do you have any food combinations that you love that people think are weird?

Okay goodnight, love y'all 💕

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