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HalesLottie: I've live here for a year and a half and this is the first time I've been to the walk of fame

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HalesLottie: I've live here for a year and a half and this is the first time I've been to the walk of fame.... am a local now 😬😬

Graysondolan, Ethandolan, And 1,234,578 other likes this

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User1: being a local isn't a good thing

_emmachamberlain: if u would've told me that u were goin down town, I would've said yes.
>>HalesLottie: come meet us bitch ass

Lil moop 🚫🧢
Where r yall?

Getting ready to go
shopping on melrose.
Also when did you change
your name in my phone.

Lil moop 🚫🧢
Ill meet y'all there
And you'll never find
out I guess 😏

"Hey, Emma's going to meet us in Melrose." I said, putting my phone in my pocket.

"Alright, well if we don't get going, the traffic is going to be a bitch." Ethan said, practically dragging us off Hollywood boulevard.

"You seem eager to get to going E, hot date?" James asked, nudging Ethan's shoulder.

"What? No, I just don't want to be stuck in traffic with you guys." He said, getting in the back seat once we got back to my car.

"You keep telling yourself that bro." Grayson said, getting in the passenger seat and handing me the keys.

"Am I missing something?" Caleb asked, climbing in the back after James.

"Ethan has a thing for Emma." James said, taking a sip of his drink that he left in the car.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, "I don't have a thing for Emma."

"Dude, I cant even see you and I can tell you're blushing."

"Am not."

_emmachamberlain: my wifey >>>> yours (HalesLottie)

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_emmachamberlain: my wifey >>>> yours

Ethandolan, graysondolan, And 1,266,689 others like this

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HalesLottie: my wifey >>>>> yours 💕

User1: we only stand Emaley 🚫🧢

Jamescharles: Gray better get his girl before Emma steals her

User2: Ethma and Hayson who? Never heard of them.

"So what kind of style are you into?" Emma asked Caleb. At the moment he was just wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants and we were trying to find something 'boujee' to get him to remind him of LA.

"Umm-" he said looking around he store. "Maybe like a mix between that and that."

He pointed to two mannequins and we all nodded. We each went off to try and find him something that looked like what he described. I took me about twenty minutes to find an outfit that I thought would suit him and I walked over to the dressing room to wait for everyone else.

"That was quick." Caleb said, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah. I'm a quick shopper." I said.

"Can I see?" He asked, trying to peak behind me to see what I picked out.

"Not yet. It ruins the fun." I said laughing.

"It's fun just being here." He said, laying his phone on his lap. "Never did I ever think I would end up in California."

"Believe you me, neither did I." I said, looking at my hands. "But I love it so much better here."

"Yeah, no." He said laughing. "LA is not for me."

"You just have to get used to it." I said smiling.


"Alright we've been to the walk of fame, you got a boujee outfit to take back home with you, and we've been to and escape room." I said as we sat in the parking garage of the escape room, all hype from beating it. "Is there anything else you wanna do in LA before we call it a night?"

"No. Honestly I'm dead tired. I'm just ready to go to bed." Caleb said, laying his head against the window.

"Thing number 1,578,689 that they have in common." Ethan said, "both of them like to sleep."

"Okay, you're just stretching now E." I said, buckling my seatbelt. "So just back to your hotel then Caleb?"

"Yeah." He said and I nodded, putting the car in drive.

The ride back to Caleb's hotel was pretty quiet, but like a good quiet. James rode back with Emma because he had somewhere to be so it was just me, Caleb, and the twins. My phone started ringing and I answered it over my Bluetooth.

"Hey, you're on speaker phone." I said.
"Oh." Ally said. "Hey Grayson."
"I'm here too." Ethan said from the backseat.
"And Caleb's here too." I said.
"Oh, hi guys." She said. "Anyway, guess who's back in Los Angelos?"
"How'd you get a flight out?" I asked, turning left onto a road.
"They finally cleared the runway and got a plane and now I'm here."
"Great, so we can talk about you quitting your job then."
"Wait?" Ethan asked. "You quit your job? Did you get tired of being around Grayson and Haley all the time because I've started a club and you're welcome to join." Caleb laughed beside him.
"First of all, didn't quit. Second of all, do we get jackets? Third of all, editing room talk.."
"Caleb's here until 2 tomorrow and then I'm free after that."
"Grayson? Ethan? Are you free tomorrow evening?"
"Umm-" Ethan trailed off.
"Yeah." Grayson said, finishing his sentence.
"Great. We are meeting at Shane's house to hang out and you guys are invited."
"Umm. Okay?" I said confused by the entire conversation at this point.
"Alright well I've got to go. Bye."

"What up with her?" Grayson asked after the phone hung up and the radio went back to playing.

"No idea." I said, shaking my head and pulling into the parking lot of the hotel.

"Thanks for today Haley." Caleb said, opening the door and grabbing his bags.

"Breakfast tomorrow?" I asked turning in my seat to look at him. "Then maybe we can go sight seeing before you have to get back to the airport?"

"Sounds like a plan." He said smiling. "Bye."

"Bye." And he shut the door, running towards the front door of the hotel. I watched and made sure he got in the building before pulling out of the parking lot.

I just really want to know what's going on with Ally.

Hi y'all, happy Easter ( if you celebrate it)

Random fun fact, the worlds most expensive chocolate bunny sold for $49,000 and the dad gave it to his daughter for Easter.





What's everyone's favorite candy??

Alright, love y'all the most 💕

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