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July 15th, 2020

Michellewood76: mother-daughter date 💕

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Michellewood76: mother-daughter date 💕

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"This one's cute." My mom said holding up a grey onsie with a pink owl on the front of it. I nodded and she threw it in the cart.

"Why is this a thing?" I asked, picking up a very sparkly tutu and glaring at it. "That's an absolutely not."

"What?" My mom asked. "I think it's cute."

"It's extra. What ever happened to just a plain shirt and leggings that look like jeans?" I asked, pointing to said leggings that were on the shelf. I also grabbed a pair in every color, which was about 20. Grayson may hate me later, but oh well, I can't help it.

"Because sometimes a little frill is what the world needs." My mom. I sighed.

"Fine. One tutu. That's it." I said. She clapped and started looking through them to find one. She picked the most sparkly one and threw it in the cart. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.


"Oh Haley. Thank God you're here." Ethan said running up to me and taking the bags out of my hand as I walked through the front door.

"Umm, hi Ethan?" I said. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Because my brother is trying to kill me. But he won't kill me if you're here." He said, jumping behind me and kind of using me as a human shield to walk through the house.

"Well What did you do to him?" I asked, already annoyed with him so I could only imagine how Grayson's feeling right now.

"What makes you think I did something to him?" Ethan asked defensively.

"Because I know you E." I sighed. I stopped in front of what's going to be the babies room so he could put the bags that he took from me in there, before continuing on to the living room.

"Fine. I may have pranked him this morning." He said letting go of the back of my shoulders and walking around in front of me.

"May have or did?" I asked, crossing my arms. He scratched the back of his neck and I rolled my eyes at him.

I sighed and walked past him, making sure to bump his shoulder, and into mine and Grayson's room. He was sitting in the edge of the beds with his head between his hands.

"Gray?" I asked, standing by the corner of the wall.

"I've got to get him back." He mumbled. "So hard." I rolled my eyes and him and sat beside him on the bed, rubbing his back.

"Why does he always mess with my cars? Like out of all the things he's could prank me with, he messes with my fucking cars?"

"I don't know. Maybe because he knows how worked up you get about them." I said, shrugging.

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