but we work well

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i work to the smell of coffee and matty hunched over his macbook
"morning" i said
"morning baby" he said handing me a cup of coffee
"don't you have the studio?" i asked, he smirked
"i blew it off to stay here with you. i smiled at him, crouching on the bed i rested my head on his shoulder, my mousy hair falling on his face
"i have work" i whispered, he sighed
"what time?"
"i dunno a while i think it's just me and debra" , he turned to face me, his hair everywhere and his bottom lip sticking out
"so you're saying we have time?" he growled, i bit my lip to look at him, he was so beautiful, truly beautiful
"we have time"

i squealed as he pushed me onto the bed, his lips exploring every inch of my neck, trailing down my body, lingering in all the right places.

an hour later i was dressed. i had a pleather skirt on and red tank top paired with nike air force. the perfect LA girl attire.
"see ya soon" i called to matty
"yeah bye" he replied, he felt so close in our intimate moment, now he was a million miles away again. i'd lost him again. i tried to shrug the feeling off as i headed down stairs and into the uber.

"hey maya!" debra my boss called
"heya! am i the only one here today?" i questioned looking around the empty studio
"yeah ... i just wanted to take some new headshots of you and ask a favour" she smiled baring every tooth. by a favour she meant do it or you're fired
"what's the favour debs?" i asked patiently
"go to a scouting event! we know your boyfriend is matty healy and his record label is having a party"
"how do you know these things?" i asked, the event was lowkey
"darling it's a need to know business. but go and scout maybe 2/3 girls, you know what we're looking for don't you doll?" she asked
"of course deb" i said with the best fake attitude i could
"good good, now go over there with jake and do your head shots like a good girl" she told me in a sarcastic tone as she turned on her louboutin heel. i sighed, god i hated that woman

"hey jake" i said walking over and taking my place on the head shot stool.
"you good?" he asked
"yeah! just debra, you know how she is" , he laughed
"oh she's a demon don't let her bother you!" , i giggled, i liked jake. he was 22, studied art and part time photographer. he always worse the most beautiful clothes. today he was dressed in blue jeans, covered in white paint and rips and a distressed off white t-shirt, paired with two silver necklaces. his hair was a beautiful deep brown, messy, but refined. just like him. perhaps if i met him four years earlier i would have been different
"maya?" he said calling me down to earth
"yeah .. sorry" i laughed
"you sure you're okay?" he asked concerned. i wiped my eyes and smiled
"of course i am silly, now let's take these photos"

as soon as i got in the flat i felt drained. mentally and physically. i still had to get dressed for the party tonight. i picked my outfit out the day after we arrived in LA, when everything was still good. i remember that day so well. me and matty went to the grove shopping centre and in i saw the most beautiful dress. it was black, body hugging and low cut. and made of the softest silk, anything would click it. when i slipped it on and showed matty he gasped, at first i thought i'd done something wrong, thought he hated it. it remember his hands on my shoulder as he told me how gorgeous i was.

my hands flew to my collarbones now, the faint touch of matty lingering still. i looked at myself in the dress, it want the same. i sighed slipping in my stilettos and grabbing my louis purse. ready.

i arrived at the event thirty minutes late and alone. matty was suppose to meet me outside but he wasn't there. i sat at the bar and ordered a gin and tonic. jamie, the boys manager came and sat beside me
"are you okay?"
"where's matty?" i snapped, he sighed
"i was going to ask you" he rubbed his head, genuinely stressed out
"look don't worry jamie, he will turn up soon"
"yeah you're right, george is over there if you wanna say hi" , i pushed him lightly, i loved george of course i went over

george was dressed in a beautiful suit, black and fitted, his un tameable hair tamed.
"you look good G" i commented
"as do you M" , i giggled.
"where's matty george?" i sighed
"i've no clue honestly. but you look good" , i smiled and smoothed down the silk
"thankyou! debra has me scouting tonight" i said pouting
"she works you so much mate tell her to fuck off" , i laughed at george. the boys basically worked their own hours and their own schedule, he had no idea
"oh georgie" , he nodded his head indicating at some girls. they were about twenty, one blonde, one black haired. beautifully tanned skin and all dressed in matching of the shoulder complementing dresses. i drank the rest of my gin and tonic before passing george the glass
"wish me luck!" i said going in for the kill

an hour later i had recruited two new girls. i sighed slumping down beside matty
"you're here" i commented
"of course! i couldn't miss you in that dress could i?" he said nuzzling into my neck. it wasn't the same
"matty we need to-"
"you look so beautiful" he said looking into my eyes
"infact you look like you did at the party all those years ago" , i gushed. he was saying all the right things. and whether he meant them or not i didn't want to lose him. i wasn't ready yet
"oh healy i don't half love you"
"and you maya, and you"

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now