home bound

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3 days later

i'd spent the last couple days crying. but also signing off the lease for my flat and booking tickets back to the uk. i hadn't spoke to gabby yet and my flight left in 5 days. i wanted to leave as quickly as possible. i'd spoke to my boss and she had transferred all my details to a company back in london and without even meeting me in real life they accepted to take me on. it was a much bigger job than over here so they had already sorted me an apartment close to the firm. i'd looked online and it was beautiful, it over looked the thames.

i looked in the mirror to reveal that three days of crying isn't the best. i pulled my hair into a high pony tail and shrugged on some black skinny jeans with a white hoodie. i pulled out my phone to text gabby

new message to gabby
maya: meet me work we need to talk.

she replied within seconds

gabby: ok

i had to go back anyway to say thanks to debra and goodbye to make. i didn't want to see gabby anywhere else so this was perfect. i could say my bit and leave LA without any ongoing issues. well, that was the idea of curse i would still be over looking my cheating boyfriend.

i walked outside into the hot LA sun, my apartment was close to work so it wasn't that much of a walk. as soon as i arrived i was created with his from the three new girls i recruited
"i cant believe you're leaving" one said
"thankyou for everything you did!" another gushed
"we will miss you" the third one added
i smiled and thanked them all, they were going to go far in the industry, they were beautiful and confident. i walked to debra to thank her for all she had done for me once more and she turned around and did the most unexpected thing
"i'll miss you maya ... you're our best model!" she declared, she'll shocked was an understatement
"alright alright close your mouth your jaw is on the floor! have a good life in london maya you deserve it" , i smiled at her
"thankyou seriously" i said walking out of her office towards jake.

i didn't know where gabby was yet and i didn't care. jake looked beautiful, his dark hair tousled and paint splattered trousers
"tell me it ain't true kid"
"it is" i sighed
"you going international now" he chuckled
"i'm going home"
"i'm gonna miss you" he said
"i'm going to miss you, you're really all i've got left in LA anymore" , his faced turned to confused and worried
"what happened?" he inquired
"well" i started

"WHAT?" he yelled once i'd finished the tale
"yeah" i sighed
"gabby gabby?"
"i .. i wow"
"that's how i feel" i laughed
"i'm so sorry" he said
"it's okay! it was basically over with us anyway and this way i get to go home in my own accord" i said giving him s faint smile. he opened his mouth to speak and gabby walked through the door. my heart lurched as i pulled him into a hug
"stay in contact" i said misty eyed, his own eyes looked wet
"i will. come visit soon?"
"maybe" i told him wiping my eyes so i looked strong

waking over to gabby was scary, i thought she was my friend and it hurt so badly that she had done this.
"hey" she said barely a whisper
"why gabby? just why?" i asked completely fed up
"i .. i don't know. i didn't know anyone and he was kind and he said things and i felt not so alone" she flustered. my heart stopped, it wasnt just sex for her. for him it was and my heart ached for her
"oh gabby you idiot. he doesn't feel anything for you, you were just a fling because we got boring" ,she looked at me and a single tear ran down her face
"you don't have to leave LA im leaving, i got offered a place in sydney so you can stay" she said trying to sooth me
"i'm leaving anyway, he fucked me up and this place is ruined" , her face fell once more and i knew we shared some of the same hurt right now
"hey it's .. it's okay gabby. it's not your fault, you're young and i know he has a way with words" i said pulling her into a hug, she began to cry on my shoulder
"i never meant to hurt you" she sobbed
"it's okay" i soothed, and to my surprise i truly meant it
"hey, hey loon at me. he you have my phone number okay? i'm a message away if you're ever in london or if i'm ever in australia for avocado toast?" , i told her, she giggled at this
"thankyou. and if i don't see you again have a good flight" , i smiled at her. we were too young and naive. i knew she meant no hurt.

everything stemmed from matty and the only way i could escape that was leaving what we had in LA, starting a fresh away from what was

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now