sand box

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i woke before him knowing i had work today, i got out of the bed and pulled on skinny black jeans and a boob tube, throwing a leather jacket around me and doc martins on my feet i woke matty

"mmm?" he mumbled
"you have the studio soon baby" i told him
"thankyou" he said rubbing his head and resurfacing from sleep
"you look good" he told me, i giggled
"see ya later healy" i said getting up, he pulled me into a long kiss, his hands rubbing through my hair
"matty i cant" i moaned deeply wanting nothing more than to stay
"we continue this tonight" he said
"of course"

i smiled walking out of our apartment, i had a long day at work but i wasn't bothered. my phone started ringing and gabbys name appeared

"hey" i answered
"you in today?" she asked
"see you there"
"see ya" i sang down the phone

it was nice when gabby was there, i didn't feel so alone. i did have jake in my corner though, i knew i could count on him whatever. but it wasn't the same.

i pushed the glass doors open
"morning" i said to debra
"hey" she said not looking up from her laptop, i hovered around her desk for a few seconds before she spoke again
"oh yeah, you and gabby have been scouted for topshop jeans, they're over there to take a couple snaps"

unbelievable. that woman was unbelievable, we had literally been chosen to appear for topshop and she didn't even feel the need to text me. i ruffled my hair and walked over as confidently as i could.
"hey!" i smiled at jake and the man from the magazine
"hey! i'm derek, ive already met gabby so you must be maya?"
"yes! it's so lovely to meet you" i said shaking his hand. gabby smiled at me, this was reassuring, it meant he was okay. some off the people we worked for could be ... pushy.
"so what does this magazine shoot entail?" i asked
"it's just for topshop jeans as i'm sure you've been briefed, so we just need you to try a couple of pairs on and we'll snap some pictures" he said confidently. i smiled
"let's do this!"

"ughhhhh the longest day of my life" gabby moaned as soon as the shoot was over, jake had ordered us food as we had to stay behind so late, it was 9pm and derek had only just left.
"i'm exhausted" i complained
"speak for yourself i've been snapping pictures of you all day" jake joined in, we were laid out on the studio floor. when we say tired we meant flat out dead.
"foods here" jake said checking his phone and wondering to the door
"he's nice" gabby whispered
"you like him?" i giggled our backs still firmly against the floor
"i dunno"
"what do you mean you don't know?" i said turning on my side to face her, she did the same
"he reminds me of someone i use to know"
"i get that" i said thinking of matty
"you talking about me?" jake asked walking back in looking smug
"in your dreams" we both retorted

as soon as i got home i smelt wine lingering across the apartment
"matty?" i called droppping my keys on the table
"here" he said stumbling in with two glasses of wine
"hey babe" i said pulling him in for a kiss and taking the wine, drinking it in under a minute i topped my glass up
"how was work?" he slurred
"it's was okay" i replied feeling the alcohol take effect already
"how was the studio?" i asked
"okay .. i'll be glad when we go home" he confessed
"me too matty" a couple of months ago i would have meant that, i moved out here friendless and jobless, but now i had my modelling career, gabby and jake. if we moved back chances were i wouldn't see them again. we weren't super close but they meant a lot to me and the fact that i'd have to go back to nothing again scared me.
"what you thinking about?" he asked tapping my forehead
"things" i told him "just things" i added smiling

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now