we will dream about it

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LA was cool when we resurfaced from the studio. it was like we reverted back to old ways. he grabbed my hands, swinging me around the sidewalk. the traffic buzzed and lights flashed everywhere.

we decided to go to the beach, get caught up in the salty waves. it was only 7pm bht the light had began to fade as our feet hit the golden sand. we tore off our doc martins and jeans, then went our tops falling at our feet.

he looked at me and i nodded as we ran into the sea at full speed, the waves colliding with our legs and the last of the sun hitting our backs. i swam underneath letting my hair cascade everywhere. once i reserfaced i saw matty laughing
"what?" i asked
"this is how we should be" he commented
"i know" i said sighing.
we spent what felt like an eternity swimming, matty went under the salty water to grab my legs serval times
"MATTY" i shrieked terrified of my boyfriend
"yes?" he asked so innocent.

he looked so young like this, so carefree. i wish i had my phone to take a photo was my first thought. the sun was a beautiful orange now behind my rockstar boyfriend, he turned. to face it before breathing a quick
"wow indeed" i agreed. it was truly beautiful

after half an hour of endless floating we decided to get out as the sun was truly setting. we pulled our jeans and doc martins on. i grabbed my crossbody and mattys hand and we set back off to our stylish apartment.

once in the apartment we slumped onto the sofa and matty asked me to pick a film
"no youuuuu" i moaned shooting him a pouting look
"fine fine! but you can't complain" he declared. matty being matty picked a beautiful movie, set in the late 1900 and about a girl who ran from the man she was suppose to marry. she died in the end and we both were in tears
"wow" i commented completely absorbed in sadness and emotion
"i'm .. i don't have words"
"that's rare for you" i replied giggling.
"hey!" he acted fake hurt throwing a pillow at my head
"matty!" i yelled, laughing at my boyfriend

time flew and before we knew it, 12am had come about. we both had work tomorrow and our perfect day would fade into the abyss. i smiled at him, ruffling his hair and straddling his lap
"i love you matty"
"i love you maya" i smiled, pulling his hand and leading him into our bedroom where the king size bed sat waiting for our tired and aching bodies. we both changed into our sleep wear. matty chose a pair of boxers while i opted for lace black underwear and his black t-shirt.

once under the covers his hand met mine and i rolled into the safety of his arms, spooning him softly he whispered into my ear
"thankyou for taking me back to sixteen"
"no matty, thankyou" i replied in the same hushed tone. i turned to face him and even in the dark i could tell his smile was apparent.
he kissed my hands before our foreheads net one another and we fell into the clutches of sleep

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now