could she leave him?

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"NOOO you're so wrong maya" george bellowed
"GEORGE NO YOU ARE" i screamed at the six foot giant. we were on the beach and arguing about sand of all things
"that's it! i'm gonna get you" he declared
"noooo" i squealed starting to run away from him, he got up in second,
he picked me up bridal style and carried me into the cool water
"george i swear aaaa! george put me down" i protested the cold water flooding my hair
"admit i'm right"
"never" i protested, this egged him on. he let the water continue to flow on my body, i floated on my back while his hands lay underneath me
"it's so pretty here" i told him the sun beaming down onto my face
"i know" he breathed

me and george had decided to have a beach day today because matty was working late and we had nothing better to do. him and his girlfriend broke up before he left for LA so i knew he needed a friend. we eventually got out of the water and a girl ran up with her friends asking george for a picture
"of course!" he grinned
"hey you're mattys girlfriend maya right?" one of the blonde girls asked
"uh yeah haha" i responded
"you're like so gorgeous, i saw you model for pretty little thing and WOW" , i beamed at her, it was so sweet that people even knew who i was let alone recognised me for being more than mattys girlfriend

once they'd wondered off down the beach me and george fell on the sand and decided to sunbathe for a while. the quiet was comforting eventually he broke it
"i want to go home" he said quietly
"you miss caroline?" i asked, caroline was his ex
"yeah" he replied
"you'll work it out ... i'm not worried about you too at all. you have that kind of love, you'll find one another again" i assured him,
i wasn't lying. those two just had IT, you could tell they were meant to be together.
he looked at me through his sunglasses and shot me a faint smile
"you think?" he asked
"definitely, right now things seem hard and like you won't, but you know how you feel. don't give up" i said nodding with my final point. his smile came back, this time stronger.
"thanks maya"
"anytime georgie"
"what about you and matty then? don't hold out" , i sighed at him, george and matty were best friends but me and george had also known eachother for four years, we were thick as thieves and he knew everything
"they're .. better. it seems like old times again, he just wants to go home"
"you don't?"
"i don't know" i said finally letting the ball drop
"you hated it here at first, you spent nights sobbing to me .. i don't get it?" he asked confusion clouding his face
"i love manchester, it's always gonna be my home obviously, i just, i have a life out here now. friends and job. if i go back .. i go back to being jobless, friendless because everyone i know has moved on and i don't know if i can do that again" i sighed.
finally everything had been let off my chest. i could breathe again. george looked at me, he took his sunglasses off and placed them on his head
"we are nearly done with album" he said, the words coming out as barley audible
"oh" was all i could say. i thought i had longer.
"i'll figure it out" i said nodding and smiling with all my energy.

the sun started to set, the sky painted with pink and blue. we packed up our belongings and headed back to our apartment.
"see ya soon" he called heading into his flat, i smiled and replied
as soon as i got inside i went straight to bed, i had some much to think about and such little time to do it.

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now