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two weeks later

once is settled back into the uk life it was better. me and jake facetimed very day and he promised to visit soon, i hadn't heard a lot from george but that was okay, he had a big move and i knew he was concentrating on that. i also knew the album was being released soon, i didn't know when and i didn't care to know.

my apartment was beautiful, modern and stylish. the theme was white and marble which suited me perfectly. debra had really done me a massive favour getting me relocated here.
work was okay, there was no jake obviously but it was okay.  i only worked a couple days a week and the pay was excellent, i was happy living here. i really hoped i'd be able to put matty and the past behind me now.

i was meeting with my old friends today, amelia and liam. we had known each other since primary but i hand stern them since LA, it was too expensive to visit so i was excited to update them on everything. aside from matty, they obviously knew all that.

i got into the shower before i went to meet them, the white tiles reminded me of my apartment in LA, it was a nice reminder but with a massive change. once out i went i the wardrobe to pull out clothes but o stopped by the window, outside i had a beautiful view of the thames. london was somewhere i always wanted to live, before LA, before everything london was a massive goal of mine. i hadn't ever wanted to be a model, i wanted to run a shop in london at first, funny how things change. i was happy with my career now though, it paid well and i met people i truly loved through it. it wasnt something that i had to do anymore, it was something i loved and would miss if i didn't.

london weather is very different to LA so my wardrobe badly needed updating. i pulled in black skinny ripped jeans and an off the shoulder wool jumper. i shrugged on my doc martins and grabbed my cross body. looking in the mirror i looked good. edgy kinda good and different from LA "me" but good. i was happy with the way i looked, i would definitely fit in with the london crowd. my make up was baisc, brows and mascara. i ran a brush through my curly brown hair, the curls stayed put and i sighed, it looked okay just not perfect. i was ready!

i closed the apartment door tossing the key into my bag, i was on the third floor so i had a lot of stairs  to walk down, i didn't care though i was finally happy. on my way down into the cool london air i thought about what i was going to eat for dinner, where we would go. it was a simple thought but nice, i didn't have to worry that they'd stand me up like matty, i didn't have to worry about any of that because i didn't have matty to worry about anymore, it was like a breath of fresh air.

i was almost running down the stairs before my phone dropped out
"fuck" i said going back to pick it up, i was examining the screen, making sure i hadn't cracked it before i turned around, i was face to face with matty, his hair still tousled and uncontrollable. still dressed in doc martins and black jeans with a black t-shirt. he looked younger, with bags under his eyes as if he hadn't been sleeping, his eyes scaled the ground before meeting mine, a small smile appeared on his lips
"hi" he said simply

Matty Healy // i think we've done it allWhere stories live. Discover now