Strange is Beautiful

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Jihyo's POV

It was a fine Friday morning. I wake up a little too late because I stayed up all night finishing a term paper due today. I hurriedly went to my usual bus stop going to university. Since it's rush hour, a lot of people have already gathered waiting for the first bus.

As soon as the ride came,  everyone queue to get in. When I get inside, all the seats have already been occupied so I have no choice but to stand. Since I'm still sleepy, my eyes keep closing and I have to shake my head from time to time to keep me awake. After a while, a few people get off from the first stop but the seats they vacate are immediately occupied by others.

Four more stops... it won't be long.

At the second stop, two seats become available beside me and I quickly occupied the seat next to the window. Since I'm really sleepy and sitting comfortably, I close my eyes and take a nap.

Three more stops.

"Hey, wake up. It's time to get off."

I woke up feeling someone tapping my arm. I opened my eyes and realize I fell asleep on someone else's shoulder. I straighten my back and fix my hair-- avoiding eye contact with the person sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lean on you."

"It's okay, but aren't you getting off?"

I look up and saw him getting off the bus. I look outside to see where am I and realize it's the bus stop near my school. I hurriedly get off as well. The guy is still standing in front of the bus and made eye contact with me,

"Thought you're ditching class. Come on."

He walks ahead but pauses when he noticed I didn't follow. He turns his heel and gave me a look with his raised eyebrow. I thought he looks familiar but I can't seem to figure out where I have seen him. I know for sure that we're schoolmates because of the uniform he's wearing.

Probably from a different course.

I thought,

"Can't you walk faster?"

He suddenly asked which caught me off guard. Is he perhaps waiting for me?

"You can go ahead."

I said, gesturing him to go first but instead of leaving he paused and eyed me suspiciously. In a distance, he looks somewhat like a commercial model shooting a school uniform advertisement. With a shrug, I started walking to the school entrance with him beside me. We're not talking, just walking at the same pace.

"Isn't that Min Yoongi?"

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