I throw my lunch box on the table, not able to keep up with the suspense."ARrOw FoUNd hIs SoULmAtE," I say sitting down at the table. A collective gasp fills the table.
"STEPHEN WHAT THE FU-," Clint exclaims at my sudden statement.
"No swearing on my Christian Minecraft server." Steve interrupts, though still curious. Clint sighed as Nat grabbed his arm and pulled down his sleeve, exposing his greyish blue square. She gasped as she rose his arm up, allowing everyone else to see the mark.
"THE WIZARD SPEAKS THE TRUTH!" She yells, loud enough that the whole cafeteria probably noticed. Although, they were used to us being loud so I doubt they cared.
"Who is it?" Sam asks nonchalantly. Of course, the rest of us are not nonchalant.
"WHO IS IT? WHO IS IT? WHO IS IT?" everyone else started chanting.
By now, other people starting noticing, with confused looks on their faces. Clint's face turned bright red as he attempted to shush us.
"Shhhh....shhhh, okay I'll tell you, just don't announce it to the whole world," I smirk as he was released from Nat's grip, obviously embarrassed by the whole situation. "He's-,"
"hE," Bucky emphasizes, receiving a glare from Clint.
"As I was saying, HE is a kid in my 6th period, therefore, none of you know him." He smirks at us, his arms still crossed. We groan at his reluctance to tell us his soulmate's name.
"Is it that Maximoff guy?" Sam asks, again, seeming like he didn't care about the conversation. Clint looks at the floor, trying not to show emotion. Nat, who could read Clint's emotions from miles away, gasps dramatically.
"HE IS THE ONE." she exclaims, causing the group to go wild. Clint sighs, defeated.
"Wait, I thought that Maximoff was a girl," Steve states, questioningly.
"Yeah, Wanda, isn't she your soulmate, Nat?" I ask, confused.
"No, not Wanda, her annoying twin brother," Nat explains. "What's his name again? Peter? Pablo?"
"Wait... you're soulmate is Pietro Maximoff?" Loki confirms, the conversation finally piquing his interest. Clint's face goes a deep shade of red causing Loki to smirk at him. "Wow, Barton didn't know you were into jocks."
"A jock?" I raise my eyebrow, looking at Clint.
"He's...he's on the track team."
"More like star player," Loki adds, causing Clint to sulk into his seat.
"Does he know?" Nat curiously asks, pointing at Clint's mark.
"I don't think his has changed color yet." Clint starts. "We don't talk that often, I don't think I've said his name in front of him."
"What does he look like?"
"Bleached blond medium length hair, chocolate brown eyes, light complexion."
"Stalker." Sam comments, while checking his phone. We look over to Nat who is carefully analyzing the room for someone of Clint's description. She never listens when we tell her she could be a secret agent assassin if she wanted to.
"Did you find him?" I ask when she locks her eyes onto a tall boy wearing a blue sweatshirt. About the same blue as Clint's soul mark. Nat seems to also notice this because she checks Clint's arm to see the color once again.
"That's him, the 5 foot 11 track star." She looks between Clint and Pietro. "He doesn't really look like your type though."
"It's the personality that got me." He looks at Pietro in a smitten way. "He took a dodgeball for me in gym so I wouldn't be the first one out."
"If that isn't true love," Bucky comments sarcastically with a mouth full of food. Clint rolls his eyes.
"Can we talk about something else?" he groans when suddenly Natasha starts laughing hysterically. "What is it now, Nat?"
"It seems that your soulmate is coming this way?" She winks at Clint before supposedly walking off to put away her lunch tray, though we both know she'll be spying from the side of the room.
Clint groans as Pietro walks closer, creating a nervous smile. Pietro walks up to our table, smirks and sits down next to Clint, where Natasha was previously sitting. The rest of the group (even Sam) and I were attentively watching them, though Pietro didn't seem to notice or care. This is the drama I'm here for.
"Hey, Barton, right?" he says slightly leaning towards Clint.
"Clint," Pietro repeats softly. "You still haven't thanked me." Clint looks at him, confused.
"Oh!" he realizes. "For the dodgeball, right! Thank y-,"
"No," Pietro put a finger on Clint's lips, causing Clint to go redder than he was before. This is the drama I signed up for.
"Thank me by watching me tonight at the track meet." He slips a piece of paper into Clint's hand before walking away.
Clint was frozen, still blushing. He only moved once Nat came over and started shaking him.
"That was gay," she states, trying not to show excitement.
He looks down at the piece of paper, his mouth agape.
"That smooth mother fu-,"
"LAnGuAGe." Steve interrupts, being the average Mom Friend (trademark).
"ARROW HAS A BOYFRIEND," Nat announces to the whole group.
"I really thought he was going to be alone forever," Loki claims, receiving a deathly look from Clint.
"You're just jealous you haven't found your soulmate yet." Now that Clint found his, the only people in our group that haven't found their soulmates are Loki and I. Makes sense as we are the ones that despise human contact.
Before Loki could make a snarky comeback, we were stampeded by a bunch of kids racing out of the cafeteria.
Welp, I guess lunch is over.

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...