A/N: This is a re-write of chapter 26, because I didn't like the original chapter 26. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
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"Why the fuck did we stay after school anyway?" I groan, laying dramatically on my bed. "I didn't stay there for two hours just to see Thor yeet Loki onto a trampoline."
"What are you talking about? It was amazing!" Tony grins. "I'm so glad Thor agreed to yeet me as well."
It was around midnight, and we were probably supposed to sleep. But as usual, we thought otherwise.
Tony was sitting on his bed, his lamp the only light source in the room. His brown hair was messy from being yeeted by Thor. He was wearing some shorts and a worn-out gray AC/DC shirt.
"You should have been yeeted, it was pretty fun," Tony smirks, lying down on his bed.
"I'm pretty sure it's 'yote', not 'yeeted'." I roll my eyes. Harley was slightly snoring while he slept in his bed in the corner of the room. I look over to Tony's side of the room, which was still fairly empty, with only a poster and a few drawings hung up on the wall. "We should decorate your side of the room more."
"Nah, I don't know how much longer I'll be staying here." Tony's face fell as he looked over at his wall. "They tend to move me around a lot."
"What are you talking about? You've been here for so long." I smile at him. "You might even be here forever, by the looks of it."
"I hope so," Tony gives me a small smile. "You guys are great."
"I know, right? I'm like the best roommate you could ever have." I grin in pride.
"I was talking about Donna, but sure, you're good too, I guess," Tony smirks. I throw my pillow at him in rage.
"BETRAYAL!" I pout. "Oof, I needed that pillow, give it back."
"No, you have to walk over here and get it." Tony frowns. "Lazy ass, bitch."
"Ughhhhh," I groan. "I don't want to get up."
"Well, it's not like you can just make a portal to send the pillow to your side of the room," Tony smirks. I slowly get up and trudge to Tony's side.
"Can I have my pillow now?" I pout.
"You have to say it."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I lie, trying to grab my pillow from his arms. "Fine," I sigh, smiling. "I would suck your dick platonically."
"Thank you." Tony throws the pillow at my face causing me to fall backward and land on the floor.
"I'm not getting up." I mumble, setting my pillow down. "I'm sleeping here now."
"That's not allowed." Tony scoffs, rolling off his bed and landing next to me. He turns to me so we're face to face. "Hi."
I feel my face heat up a bit at how close we were. I notice how his brown eyes have a fleck of gold in them, making them shine. "H-hi."
Tony smirks and turns so he's staring at the ceiling instead. He gets up only to turn off the lamp, then lies back down next to me.
"This is a little gay." I point out. I'm so glad he can't see my face right now, I probably look like an idiot.
"Well, uh, you're gay so it's fine," Tony says with sarcasm in his voice. "Plus, I would suck your dick platonically, so whatever."
"Oh...yeah, uh, right."
Why am I so nervous?
Why is my heart beating so quickly?
"I'm kinda bored." Tony states.
"What's new?" I chuckle. He turns once again to face me.
"Uh, this...um.. this is fine, right?" he mutters. I could feel his breath on my face as he spoke.
"Totally! Um...platonic, so it's fine?"
"Y-yeah, platonic." Is he nervous? Usually, he's super flirty and shit.
"What did you and Bucky talk about...uh...earlier at the track?" I attempt to make conversation.
"Y'know, uh, stuff." I could hear the smile in Tony's voice. "It was pretty normal until I got yeeted by the human uwu."
"Human uwu?" I laugh. "That's the perfect way to describe Thor."
"Right?" Tony snickers. "And Loki's owo."
We laugh and sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, though my heart couldn't seem to stop racing.
"I'm gonna sleep now." Tony yawns, closing his eyes. "Can...can I just, uh," He puts his arms around my waist and snuggles in closer to me. "Platonic." He mumbles tiredly before drifting off to sleep.
And that's when my racing heart made sense.
I...I don't want it to be platonic.
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A/N: In my opinion, this one is much better than the first chapter 26, because it's g a y, but if you guys liked the other one more, I could keep that instead. I just really hated it because it didn't really work that well.
Hope you enjoyed the re-written chapter!

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...