"I finally played Minecraft." I announce as I take my seat next to Clint.
"FINALLY!" Clint gasps.
"THE GAME OF GODS!" Nat yells.
"I still haven't played." Bucky frowns. "It's like thirty dollars."
"Not if you get pocket edition," Clint smirks.
"Wow, big brain move." Nat rolls her eyes.
"Tony refuses to play in our world anymore because I keep dying." Stephen pouts. "I feel bad for my dog, Stephen jr."
"Why would you name your dog after yourself?" Nat scoffs.
"uM, people name their children after themselves!" I argue.
"Yeah, but that's weird." Bucky states. "I mean, Jack Black wouldn't name his son after himself."
"His son's name is Thomas." I twirl my pencil through my fingers, accidentally launching my pencil in the air and hitting someone.
"Exactly," Bucky replies, not noticing that I almost impaled someone.
"Bucky, Jack Black's real name is Thomas." Nat chuckles, braiding Bucky's hair.
"WHAT??" Bucky screeches. "TRAITOR!"
"Why do they call him Jack?" Clint narrows his eyes, unconvinced.
"Why the fuck should I know?" Natasha narrows her eyes back at him. Clint gasps loudly, like he was remembering something.
"Step one!" He whispers to me.
"What?" I answer.
"Oop, wrong person," Clint quickly goes over to Nat and whispers loudly to her instead.
"Did you seriously just remember?" Nat looks at him, disappointed.
"I'M TRYING MY BEST." Clint responds.
"I think Sven's going to die next episode." Bucky says out of nowhere, changing the subject.
"Nah, Sven's lived through so much, I bet he's immortal." Nat argues back.
"Yeah, that dog is a god." Clint agrees.
"I told you guys to not make Pewdiepie references," I sigh. "I have no idea what the hell you're saying."
"I mean, how many are dead?" Bucky continues, ignoring me. "Both IKEA Birds, Bernie, Jöergen #1 AND 2, Boat cow, DJ Cow, Bebe, and don't forget about Water Sheep!"
"Hey, Stephen," Clint smirks. "Does Tony watch Pewdiepie?" He looks over and winks at Nat.
"Tony?" I smile. "Probably, that bitch wastes so much of his time."
"rEaLLy? Tell me more." Clint grins. Why is Clint talking like a therapist? I decided not to question it.
"You guys know enough about Tony," I smirk, seeing what he was doing. "Clint, tell me about Pietro." I watch as his face turns bright red.
"Um, well, aS a mAtTeR oF fAct, wE aRe hApPiLy dAtiNg." Clint nervously answers.
"Ooooh, he's hiding somethin," Bucky's eyes widen.

Hero [Ironstrange]
FanfictionEveryone is born with a square on their wrist, called a soul mark. The first time you hear your soulmate say your name, the square is filled with their favorite color. 16 year old Stephen Strange is not very interested in finding his soulmate. But...